Senior Inductees

Class of 2025

Class of 2024

Class of 2023

Class of 2022

Class of 2021

Class of 2020

Class of 2019

Class of 2018

Class of 2017

Class of 2016

Class of 2015

Class of 2014

Class of 2013

Class of 2012

Class of 2011

Class of 2010

Class of 2009

Class of 2008

Class of 2007

Class of 2006

Class of 2005

Class of 2004

Class of 2025

Second Election of 2025

Name Major College
William Samuel Aarons Economics & Mathematics BK
Maya Aidlin-perlman Global Affairs, Economics SM
Sydney Megan Ellison Benson Neuroscience JE
Bahar Niki Bouzarjomehri Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
James Burch Linguistics JE
Sophia August Burick Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TD
Risha Chakraborty Neuroscience, Chemistry SY
Yilin Cheng Philosophy GH
William Spencer Crystal Economics, East Asian Studies GH
Ava Dadvand Classics, Linguistics ES
Tasha Diana Dambacher History MC
Sophia Un-hae David Global Affairs SM
Henry A Demarest Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science MC
John Donovan Art, History of Art BF
Mitchell Bryan Dubin Economics BF
Troy T Feng Computer Science & Mathematics MY
Logan Olivia Gauthier Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology, Psychology TD
Harry Greenblatt History, Film and Media Studies DC
Simona Hausleitner Neuroscience BR
Jordan David Hershman Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Elizabeth Anne Johns History SY
Sarah Katz Urban Studies PC
Jee Hwan Kim Physics ES
Roshan Klein-seetharaman Mathematics (Int.), Computer Science DC
Ida Kulidzan Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int), Art SY
Ye Eun Lee Economics, Ethnicity, Race & Migration SY
Samantha S Lorr Mechanical Engineering ES
Helen Lyons Mathematics BF
Stephen Michael Mcnulty Religious Studies, Political Science MY
Benjamin Pierre Sylvain Mousseau Earth and Planetary Sciences, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology ES
Zayyan Naveed Computer Science SM
Jamie Lee Nicolas American Studies SM
Pranav Pattatathunaduvil Global Affairs BF
Himani Sweta Pattisam History Science, Medicine & PH, Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BF
Zoe Pian Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TD
Nicole Piekut Chemistry (Int.) TD
James Poe Neuroscience SY
Thomas John Przygoda Mathematics, Classics BK
Sahiti Rachakonda Computing and the Arts MC
Hannah G Riordan Political Science GH
Willa Piper Rosenkranz Computing and the Arts DC
River Thomas Trifilio Sell History MC
Brook Elizabeth Smith Political Science, Women’sGender&SexualityStudies JE
Julian Shigenobu Suh-toma Sociology (Int.) BF
Paris Suksmith Global Affairs, Economics BK
Benjamin Anthony Swinchoski Neuroscience BF
Andrew Tan Engineering Science (Environmental) MC
Ryan Andrew Tsai Applied Mathematics TC
Yana Tucker Global Affairs SM
Gabrielle Marguerite Therese Yu Uy Art PC
Timothy Joseph Ward Statistics and Data Science TC
Maya Sarina Weitzen History Science, Medicine & PH MY
Andrew Maosen Wong Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Economics BK
Elizabeth Wu Neuroscience SY
Emma Mihwa Sayuri Yanai American Studies, East Asian Studies DC
Russell Anthony Yang Elec Engineering & Comp Sci, Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY

Class of 2024

Third Election of 2024

Name Major College
Alexander Joseph Abinader Computer Science & Econ MC
Faisal Bandar Khalid Al Saud Political Science, Modern Middle East Studies BK
Valerie Ambriz-villela Ethnicity, Race & Migration JE
Oleksii Antoniuk Economics GH
Jaweria Bakar Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) TR
Rafael Isaac Brent Molecular Biophysics & Biochem DC
Grace Bu Humanities, Computer Science BR
Sonnet Anya Carter Philosophy, Women’sGender&SexualityStudies MY
Cheryl Chen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Yanxi Chen Economics, History BF
Antonis Christou Computing and the Arts GH
Jorn Fabian Dammann Economics & Mathematics TD
Rayyan Yaseen Darji Neuroscience GH
Ruth Penelope Davis Judaic Studies, Environmental Studies BF
Dayi Ethan Dong Engineering Science-Mechanical, Computer Science DC
David Palmer Donnan Theater & Performance Studies BR
Andrew Du Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MY
Isaac Menashe Eitan Abbo Electrical Engineering MY
Mollie Finnegan Mathematics & Philosophy MY
Olivia Brewster Fugikawa Mathematics ES
Selin Goren Environmental Studies TD
Ramsay Ashwin Goyal Urban Studies MC
Wilhelmina M. Graff Political Science BK
Eve Ellington Grobman Economics & Mathematics SY
Cindy Guo Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Economics SY
Maxwell Lawrence Stevens Hammond Mathematics SM
Emily Yunfan He Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) DC
Robert Arthur Hill Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Madison Noelle Houck Chemistry (Int.) GH
Ryan Mojun Hsu Biomedical Engineering TR
Zoe Ting-Chen Hsu Political Science BK
Mary Jiang Computer Science BF
Kelvin Li Kang Computer Science & Econ, Statistics and Data Science DC
Hana Kim Karanja Humanities BR
Sarah Joy Kaufman Political Science DC
Emily Kahani Noe Lau Mathematics MY
Maude Maser Lechner English BK
Yeji Lee Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Iris Lynn Li Economics & Mathematics PC
Sahil R. Mane Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TR
Anjali Mangla Global Affairs, Neuroscience ES
Isabella Marin Quintero Political Science (Int.) BR
Rachel L. Merrill Physics TR
Jack Brandon Miller Mathematics TD
Harrison James Muth Humanities, Economics MY
Sasha Naomi Nelson Classics JE
Moreen Cayla Ng Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MY
Eileen Peng Computer Science & Econ SM
Isabelle Yuheng Qian History PC
Kelly Qiang Computer Science BF
Sandra Cutler Redjali Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MY
Lucy Charlotte Santiago Anthropology MC
Zhemin Shao Mathematics, Computer Science SM
Kyle Dongwook Shin Mathematics (Int.), Economics MC
Ishani Dang Singh Sociology (Int.), Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Margaret Snyder Economics & Mathematics SY
Elizabeth Claire Surman Comparative Literature, Modern Middle East Studies TR
Jaesung Tae Computer Science & Mathematics MY
Talia Sora Nagy Tax Computing and the Arts JE
Austen Michele Theroux Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MY
Adrian Kyle Magsino Venzon English PC
Grace Carolyn Vlasak Biomedical Engineering, Economics GH
Jiahua Wang Computer Science, Humanities SY
Hillary Marie Warolin English TR
Jonathan Francis Weiss Music MY
Bryson Dorr Wiese Political Science GH
Ethan Yuet-Hong Yan Political Science (Int.) GH
Kevin Yunong Yang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Christopher H. Yao Mathematics (Int.) BF
Leonardo A. Zapparoli Mathematics, Computer Science SY
Sophia Zhang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Yutong Zhang Computer Science PC
Vivian C. Zhao Economics ES
William Shihao Zhu Computer Science & Econ DC
Sydney Caroline Zoehrer Urban Studies SM

Second Election of 2024

Name Major College
Kanyinsola Fatheelat Anifowoshe American Studies ES
Alice Vivian Ao Computer Science TD
Zachary Jacob Auster Global Affairs ES
Andrew Robert Beckmen Computer Science & Econ TC
Carlyle Marie Benson Statistics and Data Science BK
Quentin Cyril Bertrand Chemistry (Int.), Economics TC
Immanuel Chas Bissell Earth and Planetary Sciences PC
Anup Surendra Bottu Economics, Statistics and Data Science SY
Elianna Grace Burke History SM
Mina Caraccio Cognitive Science BK
Derek Chen Mathematics (Int.) PC
Soyoung Cho Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Amy Grace Cohen Mechanical Engineering BF
Sophia Carias De Oliveira Sociology (Int.) MC
Alexis Kevbe Esi Political Science JE
Benjamin August Everett-Lane Environmental Studies BK
Matthew Ziqi Fan Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BF
Victoria Lynn Fleming Mechanical Engineering TD
Sadikshya Ghimire Political Science, Ethnicity, Race & Migration JE
Lucy Fargo Gilchrist History MC
Jared Ethan Gould Biomedical Engineering MY
Leslie Ellen Guerra Environmental Studies SM
Charlotte Lynn Harrington Cognitive Science TD
Isabella Capri Hay Chemical Engineering BK
Eliya Sage Ahmad Herkowitz Psychology TR
Guilluame S. Hoffmann Biomedical Engineering TD
Elisa Marie Howard Neuroscience BK
Ayelet Miryam Kalfus Physics GH
Benjamin Deane Kotton Applied Mathematics PC
Benjamin Matthew Kramer Music, Linguistics BF
Maggy Xiaochao Lambo Electrical Engineering SM
Forrest Alden LaPrade Near Eastern Languages & Civs BR
Camilla Carmen Ledezma Environmental Studies, Psychology GH
Sein Lee Biomedical Engineering, Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SM
Elizabeth Ann Levie History of Art BR
Jaime Lara Levin History Science, Medicine & PH, Sociology PC
Nicholas Samuel Levine History Science, Medicine & PH TC
Deyuan Li Mathematics, Computer Science TC
Kelly Li Political Science BR
Matthew Li, Jr. Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science BF
Annie Xiaohui Lin Electrical Engineering, Economics SM
Harper Lee Lowrey Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BK
Benjamin Thomas McDonough Physics (Int.), Mathematics (Int.) BR
Kirin DasGupta Mueller Cognitive Science JE
Dion Stephan Javellana Ong Computer Science TD
Daniel Aaron Korzenik Posner History PC
Rose Powers Physics (Int.) MY
Anya Najma Razmi English PC
Michael Vincent Samaritano Philosophy MY
Katherine Christina Taylor History BR
Van Anh T Tran Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Christopher Carl Ward Engineering Science-Mechanical, Computer Science SM
Liam James Will Global Affairs, Economics DC
Ellery Anne Winkler Economics, Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology SY
Jenny Huang Xu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Matthew Jacob Youkilis History SM
Barkotel Fesseha Zemenu Physics (Int.) GH
Kevin Zhou Computer Science, Economics BK
Yijing Zhou History, Computer Science DC
Ziyu Zhu Mathematics, Computer Science & Econ TD

Class of 2023

Third Election of 2023

Name Major College
Yasmina Anas Abukhadra Computer Science & Mathematics SM
Taylor Denise Adams English PC
Ashwin Agnihotri Computer Science & Mathematics BR
Zawar Ahmed Ethnicity, Race & Migration, Psychology BK
Natasha Jocelyn Ambriz-Villela Ethnicity, Race & Migration JE
Julia C. Arancio Film and Media Studies DC
Amer Balabaki Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC
Madeline Bale Statistics and Data Science, History ES
Calista Grace Benson-Williams Neuroscience JE
Julia Brooke Bialek Political Science, History SY
Thomas Segal Blum Biomedical Engineering DC
Alison Martin Brown English MY
Lillian Adele Cerise Statistics and Data Science, Economics BR
Justin Jie Chang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Computer Science BF
Tilden Joseph Chao Economics ES
Kevin Ning Chen Computer Science PC
Michael Chen Ethnicity, Race & Migration, Political Science BR
Teckhua Chiang Computer Science & Econ, Statistics and Data Science SY
Alexandra Contreras-Montesano Sociology BF
Julia De Los Reyes Astrophysics, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MY
Sema Alara Değirmenci Computing and the Arts BR
Yiming Deng Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology, Music BR
Steven Gary Dykstra Political Science BF
Sapheya Haithum Elhadi Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Giselle Angelica Fisher Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Lorenzo Jaime Flores Statistics and Data Science PC
Caitlin N. Gainey Astrophysics BF
Yuxuan Geng Economics MC
Isaac Gruber English MC
Dora T. Guo Ethnicity, Race & Migration PC
Ana Gabriella Gutierrez Psychology ES
Kimberly Han Neuroscience SY
Nikhil Kiran Harle Physics (Int.) PC
Lilley Harris History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Ziad Hesham Hassan Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Henry Heffan Computer Science, Mathematics TD
Max Heimowitz French (Int.), Russian BF
Akio Jesse Ho History Science, Medicine & PH SM
Rebecca Grace Huang American Studies TD
Pinyu Hwang Computer Science, Linguistics PC
Domenic Eric Jancaterino Women’sGender&SexualityStudies BF
Larissa M. Jimenez Gratereaux History MC
Lachlan James Keller Computer Science, English SM
Daniel Dong Hoon Lee Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SM
Kaitlyn Yoonjean Lee Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Samuel Joseph Leone Applied Mathematics MC
Evan Lipton Engineering Science-Mechanical, Statistics and Data Science SM
Emmanuelle Elizabeth Magliato Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, History Science, Medicine & PH PC
Emma Jane Mckinney Biomedical Engineering SM
Benjamin Metzner History, Comparative Literature SM
Shady Mina Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MC
Sophie Elizabeth Naud Biomedical Engineering BK
Akobundu Mateo Ndefo-Haven History DC
Joshua Uhjin Nguyen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Laura Ann Nicholas Cognitive Science MY
Lilijana Sarabia Oliver Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SM
Katherine Painter Classics (Int.), Religious Studies TD
Hema Liesel Patel History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Nicholas Edward Rice Philosophy, English PC
Zoe R. Robertson Political Science, Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MY
Aram Christopher Russell Cognitive Science BF
Lauren Elizabeth Salzman Statistics and Data Science JE
Avik Sarkar Women’sGender&SexualityStudies DC
Hannah Deborah Shi History Science, Medicine & PH, Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TD
Lily Anne Siegel Psychology DC
Gall Olle Sigler Political Science ES
Eliza Conant Spinna Philosophy GH
Yasin Mahdi Tarabar Mathematics PC
Blake Michael Torres Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Neil Udassi Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology, Economics SM
Grayson Wagner Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Science-Mechanical MC
Ran Wang Mathematics (Int.), Economics MY
Justin Ye Economics & Mathematics, Computer Science BF
Dominic Yin Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Anna Zhang Computing and the Arts DC

Second Election of 2023

Name Major College
Atia Ahmed Political Science BK
Catherine Rashida Alam-Nist Theater & Performance Studies, Humanities GH
Sydney Bakal Ethics,Politics & Economics GH
Ivana Maria Barnes Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SY
Jacob Benjamin Berry Economics SY
Mathis Louis Bitton Political Science ES
Rachel Hannah Blatt History, Classical Civilization SM
Solomon Howard Bloomfield Molecular Biophysics & Biochem PC
Gabriel Warnick Buchdahl Computer Science JE
Danielle A Castro Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Kai Amir Cedeno Psychology BK
Yilin Chen Global Affairs, Economics TD
Frances Cheung Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Justin Du Economics BK
Anna Charlotte Fleming History of Art MY
Michal Gerasimiuk Computer Science TD
Sophie Jean Henry History of Art JE
Evan David Hochstein Linguistics MC
Qinqin Huang Statistics and Data Science, Economics BF
Pinyu P Hwang Computer Science, Linguistics PC
Sebastian Ibarraran Chemistry (Int.) PC
Nicholas Samuel Jacobson Ethics, Politics & Economics TR
Yoon-Young Kim Computer Science MY
Wenrui Kong Mathematics ES
Jalen Isaac Li Statistics and Data Science PC
Sophie Zixia Licostie Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BF
Alexandra Julia Lioutikova Statistics and Data Science MC
Kelly T Long Molecular Biophysics & Biochem JE
Daniel Kaizhou Ma History, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology BF
Charles Matthew Mayock-Bradley Political Science, Spanish PC
Sarah Hyunjoo Moon Economics & Mathematics BF
Brendan Shea Moore Economics SY
Vishwa Shriya Padigepati Political Science, Cognitive Science GH
Si Hui Pan Chemistry (Int.), Classical Civilization TC
Dhruv Rasiklal Patel Neuroscience, Religious Studies SM
Shreya Praveen Pathak Physics MC
Ethan Matthew Pesikoff Mathematics (Int.), Near Eastern Languages & Civs BF
Elizabeth Grace Raab Classics MC
Natalie L Simpson Global Affairs, History GH
Jaiveer Singh Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SY
Mykyta Yuriyovych Solonko Computer Science & Econ, Statistics and Data Science MC
Isaac S Spanjer History SM
Eric Geoffrey Sun Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Statistics and Data Science PM
Jenny Tan Chemistry (Int.), Statistics and Data Science SY
Matthew Joseph Thomas Classics SM
Giovanna Thu Long Truong Physics (Int.) MY
Hamilton Ji Wan Mathematics (Int.) SM
Thomas M Woodside Computer Science GH
Alice Zhang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Anthropology TD
Matthew Christopher Zhang Computer Science MY
Christy Zheng Biomedical Engineering JE

Class of 2022

Third Election of 2022

Name Major College
Samantha Collins Alves Physics, Computer Science MC
Samara Rose Angel History SY
Nithyashri Baskaran , Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BF
Cameron Hollis Berg Cognitive Science MC
Mary Joelle Besch Global Affairs PC
Jacob Thomas Carter Neuroscience BK
Lauren Yolanda Chan English GH
Sarah Chiang Cognitive Science BK
Laura Lillian Clapp Urban Studies PC
Braden Lincoln Cody Cognitive Science SM
Thelonious Hiawatha Coleman History TD
Eleanor Kittridge Conover-Crockett Ethnicity, Race & Migration TC
Yehonatan Dabas Modern Middle Eastern Studies GH
Rebecca Kaitlyn Del Rio Neuroscience PC
Sarah Elizabeth Dickson Physics (Int.) MY
Cathy Thuy Duong English MC
Kristen Dianne Enriquez Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SM
Nicholas Paul Famularo Political Science BK
Ryan Patrick Flynn Physics (Int.) MC
Sarah Bryan Gannett Humanities DC
Sabrina Ann Garcia Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MY
Kyra Lewis Gee Theater & Performance Studies, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MY
Penelope S Gould Psychology BR
Alexandra Anne Halberstam Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology, History Science, Medicine & PH TD
Mia Kettner Haraguchi Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Christine Yiming Hochen Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, History Science, Medicine & PH MY
Janet Hsu Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BK
Caroleine James English BR
Noam Katz Political Science (Int.) DC
Charlotte Maeve Keathley American Studies ES
John Gannon Kelly Economics & Mathematics MC
Daniel Jaewon Kim Statistics and Data Science ES
John Aaron Klingler Humanities, Economics BF
Alexandra Kolesnikova Economics SY
Afia Akyaa Agyemang Kuragu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MY
Joonhyuk Lee Ethics,Politics & Economics, Mathematics (Int.) BR
Isabella Zoe Li Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology History Science, Medicine & PH JE
Ruoqi Li Comparative Literature DC
Montana E Love Political Science, Religious Studies GH
Charles H Mayhew Physics (Int.), History BF
McCarthy, Honor Wilkes History TC
Andrew Olt Mertz Mechanical Engineering BF
Arrunava Umang Moondra Computer Science & Econ, Mathematics ES
Claire Ruby Mutchnik Classical Civilization TC
Stephen Harmon Newman Mathematics, Computer Science MC
Paloma C Ortega American Studies (Int.) SM
Evan James Parker Environmental Studies MC
Natalia Seta Pinela Psychology SM
Edwin Joel Ruiz Fuentes Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SM
Ryan Spencer Sandler Political Science JE
Fernando Trejos Suarez Mathematics ES
Matthew Tu Computer Science MC
Ram Vishwanathan History SM
Raisha A Waller Anthropology BF
Abby Wang Ethnicity, Race & Migration BF
Macrina Wang English, Political Science ES
Janie Wu Psychology SM
Eric Ruopeng Xue Computer Science, Mathematics SM
Audrey Yeung Neuroscience BR
Caroline Jinsil Yi Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Psychology BK
Katherine Margale Zehner Biomedical Engineering MY
Zifeng Zeng History, Economics MY
Megan Zhang Statistics and Data Science SM
Annie S Zhao Economics & Mathematics DC
Rachel Zheng Economics & Mathematics BK
Brian Zi Qi Zhu Economics & Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science SY
Daphne Zhu Neuroscience ES

Class of 2022

Second Election of 2022

Name Major College
Edie Frances Abraham-Macht American Studies BR
Oluwatofunmi Jummie Akinwunmi History Science, Medicine & PH MC
Pranav Avasarala Engineering Science-Mechanical; Economics TD
Julie Averbach History of Art; Psychology BF
Nina Rhoads Bernick Applied Mathematics SY
Phoebe E Cardenas Psychology BF
Jackson Kuykendall Chapman Physics & Philosophy MY
Brian Min-Seok Cho Statistics and Data Science BR
Jamie Lin Kai-Jun Cleron Chemistry (Int.) DC
Avi J Cohen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Caroline Julia Crystal Global Affairs; History GH
Maansi Reddy Dasari Computer Science JE
Ellis Grace DeJardin Psychology JE
Nicholas Joseph DeLuca Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC
Mark Dibbs Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Liam Vail Elkind Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Isabella Ruth Epstein Ethics,Politics & Economics BK
Connor Patrick Fahey Ethics,Politics & Economics ES
Blaise Frentress-Reck Fangman Computer Science SM
Kelly Caitlin Farley Chemistry MC
Michael Arie Gancz Music (Int.) MY
Aurora Grutman Chemistry BK
Neil Axel Himwich Philosophy; Economics & Mathematics BR
Sidney L Hirschman Art JE
Nicholas McAfee Jones Classics; Political Science MC
Daniel Arthur Rich Kaplowitz History; Ethnicity, Race & Migration MY
Nicolas Estill Kidd Linguistics GH
William Martin Lawrence Earth and Planetary Sciences; Chemistry GH
Manh Linh Le Chemical Engineering; Global Affairs BR
Carlos Antonio Leche Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Maria Lee Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Elise Evelyn Lieberman History GH
Matthew Zhen Yuan Liu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Cameron Lugo Philosophy JE
Joy Ma Psychology; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TC
Shayley Grace Martin Linguistics DC
Anna Grace McClain-Sims Chemistry; East Asian Languages & Lits SM
Megan Noelle McQueen Statistics and Data Science PC
Abigail Rose Mintz Astrophysics; Statistics and Data Science TC
Kathryn Anne Pundyk Political Science BF
Hannah Elizabeth Quirk Global Affairs MC
Alexandra Rocha-Alvarez American Studies SY
Brendan Tabsh Rose Molecular Biophysics & Biochem; Classics MY
Anna Gabriella del Rosario Rullan Buxo Chemistry (Int.) ES
Samuel James Ryan Psychology SM
Elijah Cole Sage-Martinson Computer Science TD
Claire Marriner Saint-Amour Classics GH
Raquel Evangeline Sequeira Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TD
Amy Rose Shteyman Cognitive Science DC
Henry David Smith Statistics and Data Science; Mathematics DC
Shannon Lindsey Sommers Political Science TC
Francesco Spirli Political Science; Italian Studies BF
Abigail Ozol Steckel Statistics and Data Science BF
Eva Marie Syth Statistics and Data Science TD
Scott Amiran Taber Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SY
Brandon Trevor Tang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Gabriella Hannah Wallk Global Affairs BR
Jeremy Weiss Computer Science JE
Jocelyn H Wexler Political Science SM
Daniel F Yen Economics & Mathematics TD
Grace Marie Zdeblick Mathematics; Physics PC

Class of 2021

Third Election of 2021

Name Major College
Abdah Haroon Adam Global Affairs, Modern Middle Eastern Studies GH
Samir Al-Ali Classics, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SM
Lorenzo Vassily Arvanitis Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Alma Maia Bitran Psychology GH
Marley Claire Finley Economics MY
Lauren Anastasia Gillinovi Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TC
Alina Jennifer Mila Glaubitz Political Science JE
Emma Rose Gray History SY
Benjamin Samuel Gilliam Grobman History SY
Jordan A. Grode Political Science MY
Shannon Carolyne Guerra Political Science TD
Tanisha Gupta Political Science TD
Lauren Jessica Harris Economics & Mathematics BR
Nora Marie Heaphy Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MC
Henry Maxwell Jacob History SY
Gregory Jany Economics, History JE
Conor W. K. Johnson Neuroscience DC
Grace Eungie Kang Statistics and Data Science SY
Alexander Kirov Economics & Mathematics MY
Noah Marcus Kopf Ethics,Politics & Economics BR
Johnny Nguyen Le Statistics and Data Science JE
Erica Vivian Lin Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) TD
Victoria Wendy Mak Statistics and Data Science PC
Thomas Duke Martin Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SM
Vivian Kay Mayers History BR
Ethan David McBride Mathematics & Philosophy DC
Kathy Mae Min History BR
Matthew Scott Nadel American Studies (Int.) GH
Hang Phuong Nguyen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Max Daniel Nobel Mathematics & Philosophy ES
Samuel Brooks Calabresi Oldshue Architecture SM
Kaley G. Pillinger History, Economics ES
Ivana Prstic Economics ES
Elizabeth Anne Qian-Wang Economics, Sociology MY
Keshav Aditya Raghavan History, Applied Mathematics MY
Benjamin Colton Robb Mathematics (Int.) MC
Shalhevet Schwartz History, Political Science SY
Molly Golda Shapiro Mechanical Engineering; Computer Science BR
Abhishek Srinivas History BF
Alexa Jennifer Stanger Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Paul Stelben Music GH
Renee Anna Su Environmental Engineering mY
Teava Marco Torres De Sa Mathematics gh
Alexa Sabrina Tsay Economics JE
Renee Jessica Tung Neuroscience ES
Camille Ellen Umoff Theater & Performance Studies PC
Daniel Kenneth Urke East Asian Studies TC
Peter Thomas Aquinas Vanderslice, Jr East Asian Studies PC
Alondra Olimpia Vázquez López Ethnicity, Race & Migration GH
Irene Vázquez Ethnicity, Race & Migration, English BK
Neha Verma Computer Science & Mathematics SY
Vod Yurhi Vilfort Economics & Mathematics BR
Elias Armand Johannes Voss Statistics and Data Science, Economics TD
Anjali Walia Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Todd Mitchell Warshawsky Political Science PC
Jonathan Wu Biomedical Engineering ES
Megan Xu Economics GH
Mary Jacqueline Yap Architecture, Earth and Planetary Sciences BK
Helen Zhao Ethics,Politics & Economics, Philosophy MC
Karena Zhao Neuroscience PC
Joanna Caroline Zukin Cognitive Science, Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK

Second Election of 2021

Name Major College
Alya Khaleel Ahmed Economics & Mathematics MY
Landon Matthew Allen English; Psychology TD
Daniel Matthew Blatt History; Classical Civilization SM
Seung Kyoon Bong Computer Science; Statistics and Data Science GH
Ivana Bozic Cognitive Science BF
Joshua Peter Celli Linguistics SY
Jau Tung Chan Computer Science; Mathematics GH
Lena Wai Yee Chan Psychology TD
Darcy Chanin Comparative Literature SM
Caleb Adam Cohen Cognitive Science TC
Rebecca Catalina Drachman Psychology PC
Kayla Duperrouzel Political Science PC
Ivy Victoria Fan Computer Science ES
Athena Renee Flint Chemistry (Int.) BR
Drew Galls Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) GH
Angela Zhining Gong Chemistry (Int.) BF
Ryan Haygood Ethics,Politics & Economics; Economics & Mathematics BF
William Hu Computer Science PC
Chelsea Nicole Ilarde Economics; Psychology DC
Tyler Joseph Jansen Ethnicity, Race & Migration; Political Science BF
Karen Jiang Economics; Statistics and Data Science SY
Trent S. Kannegieter History SY
Eui Young Kim Philosophy SY
Lucas Yong-bin Kim Molecular Biophysics & Biochem PC
Nikita Klimenko Applied Mathematics; Architecture SM
Derek Amur Kuldinow Mechanical Engineering; Physics (Int.) TD
Stanley Zhun-Lung Lam Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SM
Jin Hua Li Psychology ES
Alan Liu Economics & Mathematics TC
Weston Paul Lowry History JE
Xiaoyu Ma Computer Science; Statistics and Data Science MY
Brooke Catherine Milosh Cognitive Science SM
Keaton Irving Mueller Computer Science BR
Ava Niknahad Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Thomas James Postiglione Mechanical Engineering; Economics BF
Akhil Vikramaditya Rajan Political Science BR
Brian Reyes History BK
William Clarence Rodgers Mechanical Engineering; Computer Science BR
Marcus Hao-Yi Sak Chemistry TC
Karen Yang Tai Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Adam Neal Tucker Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Harish Vemuri Mathematics (Int.) SY
Elisabeth Lenehan Wangermann Music BR
Harry D Westbrook Economics MC
Emily Han Xu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Economics ES
Bradley Li Jian Yam Ethics,Politics & Economics; Computer Science SY
Shujun Zhao History of Art; Computer Science GH

Class of 2020

Third Election of 2022

Name Major College
Noah Amsel Computer Science & Mathematics ES
Keerthana Annamaneni Political Science TD
Mohammad Arammash , Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MC
Jessica Osei Asiedu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BF
Shruti Rajendu Baxi Cognitive Science SM
Laila Bendrai Economics, Psychology MC
Gillian Beatrix Burns Psychology ES
Julia Cai Mathematics BR
Justin Chan Neuroscience, Economics DC
Min Qi Rachel Chew Anthropology ES
In Kyu Chung Philosophy BK
Yavuz Ramiz Colak Statistics and Data Science, Economics BF
Sadie Iris Cornette Cook Art SM
Jacob Hunter Craft Anthropology BR
Shamsa Christmas Derrick Political Science, Ethnicity, Race & Migration GH
Gabriel Alexander Dolsten Mathematicsh MY
Michael Alexander Doppelt Mathematics, History MC
Adelaide Miller Feibel Global Affairs BR
Jason Christopher Fiacco Computer Science GH
Maeve Forti Sociology (Int.) JE
Hao Fu Global Affairs, Economics DC
Samuel Mather Goldman Ethics,Politics & Economics TC
Victoria Gomerdinger Chemical Engineering JE
Monica Pearl Groth History Science, Medicine & PH DC
William Joseph Horvath Economics, History BK
Lola Hourihane Women’sGender&SexualityStudies, Theater Studies ES
Jane Jin Huang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SY
Janis Jengyi Jin English, Ethnicity, Race & Migration GH
Eren Kafadar Neuroscience DC
Gretchen Louise Knaut Global Affairs, Russian & E European Studies GH
Yookyung Kwak Comparative Literature TD
Jack Lattimore Statistics and Data Science GH
Charles Carroll Lee English DC
Hanah Lee Global Affairs, Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Xuan Li Michelle Lim Computer Science GH
Anne Qi Lu Comparative Literature BK
Sean Anthony Lynch English JE
Thomas Carlyle Martin English BF
Elias William Mastakouris Political Science ES
Pengpeng Miao Mathematics & Philosophy BK
Lillian Anna Moore-Eissenberg English, Philosophy SY
Astouline Meggy-Rose Adjo Nutakor Theater Studies MC
William Casimir Oles Cognitive Science PC
Matthew K Paige Mathematics PC
Christina Keiko Pao Political Science, Classics BR
Hannah Melissa Perlman History SM
Jasmyne Claudiana Pierre Psychology GH
Chloe Bridget Prendergast Political Science TC
Isabel Rose Rooper Political Science ES
Anna Regine Weiss Rosenthal American Studies SM
Filip Sestan Comparative Literature JE
Rebecca Blake Rutland Soulen Ethics,Politics & Economics BK
Eyrica Naomi Sumida Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Kohleman Nathaniel Swift Neuroscience DC
Alice May Tao Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TD
Olivia Leah Thomas History of Art, Economics MC
Joshua Eric van Biema Film and Media Studies SY
Maria Velicu Economics BR
Odette Rui Wang Sociology BR
Caroline Jinsil Yi Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, Psychology BK
Shunhe Wang Ethics,Politics & Economics MC
Payson Sophie Whitwell History of Art ES
Sarah Widder Cognitive Science BR
Ying Zheng Economics MY
Qiyue Zhou Economics TD

Class of 2020

Second Election of 2020

Name Major College
Ashna Aggarwai Cognitive Science TC
Victor Oluwatomisin Ayeni Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Antonia Rose Ayres-Brown American Studies SY
Arthur Jonathan Azvolinsky Mathmatics ES
Joshua Austin Baize English DC
Jonathan Louis Bleiberg Applied Mathematics SY
Jacob Stuart Carlson Ethics, Politics, & Economics ES
Bradford kennedy Case Humanities SM
Panchalay Chalermkraivuth American Studies (Int.) SY
Kevin Chang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem JE
Nazar Ahammad Chowdhury Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology DC
Vanessa Lily Chung English; History of Art SM
Magruder Harrison Dent Economics; History DC
Isabel Helen Detherage Applied Mathematics PC
Heidi Dong Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology MC
Joseph Thomas Doran Global Affairs; Economics TC
Amelia Jean Farinas Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Eric Michael Foster Applied Mathematics  GH
Megan Gorman Economics TC
Max Muscatine Graham English DC
Suyeon Hong Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology MY
Michael Young Huang Economics ED
Rachel Jaber Chehayeb Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Lori Xiyu Jia Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BF
Sehrang Joo Philosophy JE
Heidi Elizabeth Katter History SM
Rachel Ming Li Koh Ethics, Politics, & Economics; Philosophy SM
Rocky Lam Sociology (Int.) JE
Sarah Lee History of Art BR
Eric Shine Li Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Kelly Li Biomedical Engineering SY
Yongjie Lin Computer Science BF
Jasmine Cheryl Liu Ecology & Evolutionary Biology BF
Nancy Lu Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology; Statistics and Data Science MY
Anin Luo Molecula Biophysics & Biochem; History TD
Gabriel Brendan Malek American Studies; Anthropology TD
Cameron Charles Martel Cognitive Science TC
Lily Holland McCarthy Special Divisional Major TC
Josefina Mendez Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology (Int) DC
Alon Millet Molecular, Cellular, Dec Biology BR
Aparna Nair-Kanneganti Applied Physics JE
Vladyslav Nazarchuk Mathematics TC
Andrew Caro Parker Computer Science MC
Emma Louise Pierce-Hoffman Statistics and Data Science TC
Lisa Jin Qian Economics SM
Joy Helen Qiu Mathematics ES
Shady Mohamed Qubaty Economics; Near Eastern Languages & Civs MC
Saloni Devarakonda Rao American Studies; Music DC
Matthew Reiner Art; Philosophy JE
Steven Rome History; Political Science GH
Jordan Irene Schmolka Environmental Studies SM
Elliot Morley Setzer Political Science SM
Henry Alexander Shapard History BK
Jasmine T Stone Computer Science SY
Klaire Tan Global Affairs PC
Yi Chern Tan Computer Science BF
Kento Tanaka Linguistics; East Asian Studies TD
Marisa Vargas-Morawetz Ethnicity, Race, & Migration JE
Jana Vranes Mathematics (Int) MC
James Wedgwood Mathematics BR
Yiran Zhang Chemical Engineering BR

Class of 2019

Third Election of 2019

Name Major College
Narek Alexanian Economics & Mathematics BK
Ludivine Julia Dominique Brunissen Neuroscience BR
Julia Carro  Global Affairs GH
Corrie Chan Psychology; Economics BK
Xindi Chen Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Greta Faith Chevance Political Science BK
Justin Jingue Choi Economics SY
Jade Elisabeth Chowning Political Science TC
James Chan Young Chung Economics; Computer Science JE
Khushwant Kaur Dhaliwal Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Daniel Huy Do Cognitive Science; Philosophy MY
Tuan Nguyen Doan Statistics and Data Science SM
Ling Liang Dong Computer Science & Psychology MY
Sarah Russell Donilon History TD
Zachary Neil Effman Mathematics; Philosophy SY
Ahmed Mohammed Elbenni History; Political Science TD
Roy Aaron Elzur Computer Science SM
Emily Zoe Ge Humanities; Near Eastern Languages & Civs BK
Emma Sheas Green Art TC
Gabriel Groz History; East Asian Languages & Lits JE
Xinyu Guan French (Int.) PC
Sarah B. Hamerling Economics & Mathematics BR
Amanda Gillian Hart Harrison American Studies (Int.) TC 
Hannah Mclaughlin Hauptman History JE
Jacqueline Olivia Honet History of Art ES
Cynthia Elizabeth Horan Global Affairs; East Asian Studies PC
Auguste Martin MacGregor Horner History DC
Elaine Lanlan Hou Computer Science; Mathematics DC
Kevin Kai-Wen Hu Statistics and Data Science DC
Winston Huynh Biomedical Engineering MY
Newlyn N. Joseph Molecular Biophysics & Biochem; Physics MC
Seamus Cook Joyce-Johnson History; Engineering Science-Mechanical SM
Rachel Kornbluh Sociology GH
Matthew Wendell Larson Mathematics (Int.) TD
Daniela Lee Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TC
Hudson Sunki Lee Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Sang Won John Lee Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Dean Xin Li Economics & Mathematics; Computer Science GH
Qian Liang Mechanical Engineering; Environmental Studies MY
Katharine Liptak Classics (Int.) GH
Vicky Yi Qing Liu French; Political Science PC
Yuyang Liu Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MY
Marah Jawad Fayez Maayah Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Cheryl Yuyan Mai Molecular Biophysics & Biochem DC
Allison Pearl Miller Ethics,Politics & Economics SY
Matthew Steven Mister Economics; History ES
Andrew James Moran Political Science BR
Tomaso Mukai Computing and the Arts SY
Leila Nicole Murphy Ethics,Politics & Economics MC
Erin Orbey Computer Science; English JE
Alexander Robert Pecht Ethics,Politics & Economics TD
Savannah Faith Pedersen Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Michelle Yeva Printsev Economics; Political Science BK
Jasper Amédée Prouvost Economics JE
Shivam Sarodia Computer Science; Physics SY
Rebecca Goldstein Schapiro History Science, Medicine & PH DC
Robert Fred Birrell Short History MY
Sean Botta Singleton History TC
Zachary Benjamin Smithline Physics; History of Art SY
Seungjung Sohn Chemistry (Int.) ES
Ishaan Srivastava History MY
Jacob Daniel Klein Stern English; Philosophy BR
Kate Tanawattanacharoen Veeraya Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
William Alexander Vester History MC
David Jeremy Weller History ES
Lucy Pasinee Western Classics (Int.) DC
Alexander Keith Williams History; South Asian Studies ES
Benjamin Yung Wong Political Science GH
Catherine Yang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TC
Ka Yin Keniel Yao Statistics and Data Science MY
Justin Cheng-Yo Yeh Economics PC
Jacob Andreas Zavatone-Veth Physics (Int.)


Second Election of the Class of 2019

Name Major College
Genevieve Traxler Abele Global Affairs BK
Claire Altany Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Omar Ashraf Computer Science TC
Kevin Mark Bendesky History TC
Luke S. Benz Applied Mathematics SM
Kevin Mani Biju Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC
Milo Brandt Music; Mathematics TC
Alex William Brod Political Science BK
Eric C Chen Biomedical Engineering SY
Thomas Charles Chu Political Science SM
Sungyeon Chung Architecture SY
Stefan Luka Colton Mechanical Engineering BK
Dennis Jiaxuan Duan Computer Science ES
Georgi Konstantinov Dumanov Economics BK
Nicole Marie Eskow Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Nathan Alexander Ewing-Crystal Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Yan Lin Feng Computer Science JE
Daniel Quentin Flesch Classics PC
Keming Fu History DC
Sienna Gough Economics; Statistics and Data Science SY
Rohit Goyal Economics BR
Sean Xinyuan Guo Economics BR
Connor James Halleck-Dube Mathematics (Int.) JE
Lewis Shing Hei Ho Economics BR
Jason Changjie Hu Psychology BK
Peter Andrew Jang Religious Studies SM
Hoon Pyo Jeon Economics & Mathematics MY
Elizabeth Karron History Science, Medicine & PH BK
Yuxuan Ke Computer Science & Mathematics BR
Sonia Gita Khurana History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Elizabeth Berenice Kingsley American Studies ES
Benjamin Nelson Koleske Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Young Soo Kwon Political Science BK
Samuel Ellis Leander History GH
Se-Min Lee Classics MC
Noah Mahood Macey Linguistics TD
Zeb Walter Mehring Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci MC
Avner Merzel East Asian Languages & Lits SM
Lily Sparrow Mirfakhraie History Science, Medicine & PH DC
Derek Luzinda Mubiru Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MY
Alejandro Octavio Nodarse History of Art ES
So-Hyeon Park Computer Science & Mathematics MY
Arjun Prakash Economics TC
Henry George Robinson English SM
Kevin Ernesto Salinas Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Ariela Chaia Schear Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Jackson Tell Simon Economics; Statistics and Data Science SY
Avital Haya Smotrich-Barr History; Mechanical Engineering TD
Katherine Mary Soderberg Neuroscience BR
Christina Therese Stankey Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BF
Gigi Felice Stark Applied Mathematics; Statistics & Data Science PC
Claudia Torres History Science, Medicine & PH SM
Maxine Sophie Vainio History; French TD
Thuy Ngan Vu Computer Science ES
Sarah Lillian Wagner Computer Science MY
Simon Thomas Whiteman Engineering Science-Chemical TC
Jenny Ailin Xiao Mechanical Engineering PC
Evaline Xie Statistics and Data Science GH
Yixuan Yang History JE
Michihiro Yasunaga Computer Science & Mathematics BF
Yvonne Liu Ye East Asian Languages & Lits BK


Third Election of 2019

Second Election of the Class of 2019

Name Major College
Genevieve Traxler Abele Global Affairs BK
Claire Altany Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Omar Ashraf Computer Science TC
Kevin Mark Bendesky History TC
Luke S. Benz Applied Mathematics SM
Kevin Mani Biju Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC
Milo Brandt Music; Mathematics TC
Alex William Brod Political Science BK
Eric C Chen Biomedical Engineering SY
Thomas Charles Chu Political Science SM
Sungyeon Chung Architecture SY
Stefan Luka Colton Mechanical Engineering BK
Dennis Jiaxuan Duan Computer Science ES
Georgi Konstantinov Dumanov Economics BK
Nicole Marie Eskow Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Nathan Alexander Ewing-Crystal Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Yan Lin Feng Computer Science JE
Daniel Quentin Flesch Classics PC
Keming Fu History DC
Sienna Gough Economics; Statistics and Data Science SY
Rohit Goyal Economics BR
Sean Xinyuan Guo Economics BR
Connor James Halleck-Dube Mathematics (Int.) JE
Lewis Shing Hei Ho Economics BR
Jason Changjie Hu Psychology BK
Peter Andrew Jang Religious Studies SM
Hoon Pyo Jeon Economics & Mathematics MY
Elizabeth Karron History Science, Medicine & PH BK
Yuxuan Ke Computer Science & Mathematics BR
Sonia Gita Khurana History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Elizabeth Berenice Kingsley American Studies ES
Benjamin Nelson Koleske Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Young Soo Kwon Political Science BK
Samuel Ellis Leander History GH
Se-Min Lee Classics MC
Noah Mahood Macey Linguistics TD
Zeb Walter Mehring Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci MC
Avner Merzel East Asian Languages & Lits SM
Lily Sparrow Mirfakhraie History Science, Medicine & PH DC
Derek Luzinda Mubiru Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MY
Alejandro Octavio Nodarse History of Art ES
So-Hyeon Park Computer Science & Mathematics MY
Arjun Prakash Economics TC
Henry George Robinson English SM
Kevin Ernesto Salinas Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Ariela Chaia Schear Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Jackson Tell Simon Economics; Statistics and Data Science SY
Avital Haya Smotrich-Barr History; Mechanical Engineering TD
Katherine Mary Soderberg Neuroscience BR
Christina Therese Stankey Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BF
Gigi Felice Stark Applied Mathematics; Statistics & Data Science PC
Claudia Torres History Science, Medicine & PH SM
Maxine Sophie Vainio History; French TD
Thuy Ngan Vu Computer Science ES
Sarah Lillian Wagner Computer Science MY
Simon Thomas Whiteman Engineering Science-Chemical TC
Jenny Ailin Xiao Mechanical Engineering PC
Evaline Xie Statistics and Data Science GH
Yixuan Yang History JE
Michihiro Yasunaga Computer Science & Mathematics BF
Yvonne Liu Ye East Asian Languages & Lits BK


Class of 2018

Third Election of the Class of 2018
Name Major College
Morgan Elizabeth Belina Chemistry BF
Diksha Ashwin Brahmbhatt Anthropology BK
Paul Alexander Eberwine Classics (Int.) BK
Ruiyi Gao Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Joshua M. Hochman History BK
Harper J. Keehn Humanities BK
Trey Alexander Pernell Computing and the Arts BK
Edward Xin She Computer Science BK
Katie Yoonyoung Choi Global Affairs BR
Alex Steven Croxford Electrical Engineering BR
Elijah Harris Gunther Mathematics (Int.) BR
Tony Jiang Computer Science & Mathematics BR
Brandon William Marks Global Affairs BR
Veena Kamal Advani Mathematics DC
Mert Dilek Political Science DC
Samuel Micah Lev Gurwitt History DC
Noelle Harper Mcphail Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Lea Jenet Rice Engineering Science-Mechanical DC
Ana Olivia Moore Barrett Sociology (Int.) ES
Emmanuel Altmann Cantor Women’sGender&SexualityStudies ES
Ethan Walter Gacek Ethics,Politics & Economics ES
Julietta May Garbasz Economics ES
Justin Iarovici Katz Economics & Mathematics ES
Prawat Trairatvorakul Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci ES
Zachary Ethan Cohen History GH
Graham Aidan Ambrose History JE
Charlotte Elizabeth Dougall History JE
Yijiao He Global Affairs JE
Simon Simpson Horn Humanities JE
Caroline Kempner Kanner Cognitive Science JE
Kyveli Mavromati Electrical Engineering JE
Matthew Joseph Sant-Miller Economics JE
Matthew Seth Smith Mathematics JE
Alexander Blagoev Atanasov Physics MC
Griffin Thomas Black History MC
Zhen Peng Huang Ethics,Politics & Economics MC
Caterina Anna Leonie Zoubek Classics (Int.) MC
Dinnie Ee Ethics,Politics & Economics MY
Emily Laura Boring Ecology & Evolutionary Biology PC
Anshu Chen Economics & Mathematics PC
Jiahui Hu History PC
Alessandro Luciano Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Jonathan David Rutter Environmental Studies PC
Mary Kristin Wingerson History Science, Medicine & PH PC
Jacob Mitchell Albert Computer Science SM
Alois Mattia Cerbu Mathematics (Int.) SM
Andrew Clement Deguglielmo Political Science SM
Christopher David Fu Computer Science SM
Katharine Erin Kurylo Walls Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SM
Alexander Ford Mukamal Psychology SY
Christine Siying Wang History SY
Justin David Young Mathematics (Int.) SY
Aaron Berger Mathematics (Int.) TC
Monica Yuchen Wang History TC
Michael Abraham Zanger-Tishler Michael Abraham Zanger-Tishler TC
Jonathan Rudolph Adler History TD
Nicole Lynae Boardman Environmental Studies TD
Jordana Anne Gardenswartz Women’sGender&SexualityStudies TD
Daniel Homans Judt History TD
Claire Doyeon Kim Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TD
Martha Jean Longley Geology & Geophysics TD
Tyler Hutchinson Petrochko Computer Science TD
Jacqueline Nicole Salzinger Anthropology TD
Samantha Grace Stroman Global Affairs TD

Back to top

Second Election of the Class of 2018


Name Major College
Joel Opila Abraham Psychology GH
Jesan Ataharul Political Science GH
Johannes Bernhard Behringer Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Adam Michael Burton History DC
Jun Yan Chua History SY
Edward Bond Columbia East Asian Studies MC
Amanda Mary Corcoran Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Italian BR
James Allen Diao Statistics and Data Science MY
Alexander Elias Epstein Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Chemistry SY
Jason Somesh Gaitonde Economics & Mathematics MC
Charles Henry Spencer Gray Philosophy BR
Sarah Alice Perelson Gross Cognitive Science PC
Colin Francois Hemez History of Art; Biomedical Engineering ES
Calleigh Anne Higgins Psychology SM
Kevin Binchian Huang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) TC
Ilana Lee Kaufman Physics; Economics SM
Elizabeth Rachael Kitt Psychology SM
Dan Myron Kluger Mathematics (Int.) MC
Seif Rafik Raafat Labib Economics; Engineering Science-Chemical SM
Charlotte Mary Lawrence Global Affairs; History ES
Aaron Samuel Long Biomedical Engineering MY
Christopher Forest Malley History DC
Yasat Berk Manav Engineering Science-Mechanical MC
Elisa Martinez Mathematics BF
Sara Jeanne Meyers Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Isadora Argentino Milanez Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies SY
Gregory Alva Ng Yong He Ethnicity, Race & Migration MC
Caterina Passoni Ethics,Politics & Economics MY
Jonah Eli Pearl Molecular Biophysics & Biochem GH
Phoebe Robin Petrovic American Studies ES
Aaron David Resnick Cognitive Science BR
Emily Teresa Rice Global Affairs PC
Matthew Christopher Robinson Chemistry (Int.) TC
Amanda Royka Cognitive Science GH
Kaitlyn Mary Sabin Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Holt Akiyoshi Sakai Chemistry BR
Andrew Kahlil Saydjari Chemistry (Int.) TD
Genevieve Cherie Sertic Electrical Engineering PC
David Alexander Shimer History DC
Scott Michael Stankey Mathematics (Int.) SY
Rachel Johanna Strodel Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Wen Sun Neuroscience GH
Leah Setsuko Surratt Mechanical Engineering PC
Wei Liang Mitchell Tan History SM
Zong Xuan Tan Elec.Engineering; Computer Sci DC
Amber Tang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Rose Marks Taylor Molecular Biophysics & Biochem DC
Serena Margaret Tharakan Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Pamela Torola Ecology & Evolutionary Biology JE
Yuk Pung Wang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TD
William Jeeho Willis English TC
Craig A. Wojtala Mechanical Engineering BR
Emily Wanping Xiao History JE
Christine Xu Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Sophia Hui-Chen Yin Psychology BK
Dylan Jing Young Physics (Int.) SY
Alice Sichen Zhao Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Ian Zhou Computer Science TD

Back to top

Class of 2017

Third Election of the Class of 2017
Name Major College
Leeza Zaki Ali Psychology MC
Emily Bodkin Barnes Environmental Engineering BK
Christopher Michael Cappello English SM
Lauren Marietta Chambers Astrophysics; African American Studies TD
Ryan Zhuo-Qi Chan Economics MC
Frank Ruixuan Chen Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SM
Kevin Chen Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC
Abigail Julia Cheskis Environmental Studies CC
Paul Youngwook Chung Molecular Biophysics & Biochem JE
Sydney Tamara Costantini Engineering Science-Mechanical TC
Isabel Ariel Cruz Sociology (Int.) DC
Thomas Henry Lee Forster History SY
Grant Willis Gabriel Classics (Int.) TC
William Hao Ge Molecular Biophysics & Biochem; Sociology (Int.) SY
Adam Maxwell Gerard Global Affairs MC
William Daniel Felipe Giraldo Paez Economics & Mathematics JE
Emily Rose Goldberg Ecology & Evolutionary Biology MC
Daniel Joseph Gordon Humanities ES
Katherine Grasso Physics; Ethnicity, Race & Migration BK
Evan Ross Altshuler Green Applied Mathematics PC
Aristides Ioannou Hadjipanteli Economics; History of Art JE
Adam S. Harris Economics; Applied Mathematics BK
Alexis Sophia Henkel Economics; Spanish TC
Brendan Christopher Hopkins Political Science PC
Julian Martin Hornik American Studies (Int.) TD
Alexis Honoria Inguaggiato Art SY
Benjamin Douglas Jacobs Philosophy BK
Sara Louise Jones History of Art; Italian PC
Onyu Jung Chemistry (Int.) DC
Talia Sydney Katz Anthropology ES
Anthony Naji Kayruz Ethics,Politics & Economics BR
Casey Shane Lee Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Ruier Ma Literature CC
Adam Craig Mahler Portuguese; English TD
Benjamin Jerome Rose Marrow Ethics,Politics & Economics BK
Benjamin Morse McCoubrey Cognitive Science DC
Julia Harriet Menzel Physics (Int.) BR
Simone Paci Political Science; Economics PC
Christopher Holden Paolini Art; Linguistics TD
Michelle Lynne Peters Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Hannah Jeanette Phelps Linguistics TC
Eric Kim Phung History TC
Nelson James LePard Reed History BK
Christopher Michael Rudeen History Science, Medicine & PH; Chemistry MC
Silvie Reine Saltzman Ethics,Politics & Economics TD
Zachary Stemp Schlesinger Ethics,Politics & Economics BR
Genevieve Samantha Silva Ecology & Evolutionary Biology CC
Morgan Kate Smiley Ethics,Politics & Economics TC
Claire Perrin Smith Applied Mathematics TC
Abigail Pollock Sneider History; Music CC
Daniel Joseph Stadtmauer Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Anthropology ES
Nathan Aaron Swetlitz Cognitive Science SM
Alana Michael Thyng History of Art SY
Ava Ambrose Tomasula Y Garcia American Studies (Int.) CC
Jasper Geng-Ruey Tyan Ethics,Politics & Economics DC
Yingxue Wang Humanities; History of Art PC
Yuexin Wang History Science, Medicine & PH JE
Charlotte Marshall Weiner Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Zachary James Williams Psychology DC
Jessica Wu Spanish BK
Luying Yan Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) MC
Kathleen Yu Molecular Biophysics & Biochem; History Science, Medicine & PH PC

Back to top

Second Election of the Class of 2017
Name Major College
Azeezat Adenike Adeleke Political Science  BK
Tessa Evangeline Adler  Ecology & Evolutionary Biology  MC 
Joshua Adam Altman  Ethics,Politics & Economics  SM 
Lucia Baca  Global Affairs  PC 
Samantha Claire Bensinger Philosophy  BR 
Michael Pinzka Berry  Psychology  BK
Abigail Klobuchar Bessler Political Science  JE 
Andrew Blake Brod Economics & Mathematics BK
Gregory Matthew Cameron Economics; Computer Science SY
Felix Leo Cancre History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Christopher Ankeny Chute Mathematics ES
Alexander Robinson Cooley Economics; Global Affairs TC
Zoe Anne Dobuler History of Art TC
Abigail Paula Elder Near Eastern Languages & Civs CC
Jonathan Cole Esty History DC
Rebecca Nora Faust History CC
Dan Aryeh Friedman English MC
Malini Marion Gandhi Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Isabella Arianna Giovannini English SY
Laura Gould Goetz Molecular Biophysics & Biochem; Women’sGender&SexualityStudies PC
Max Jesse Goldberg Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Philip John Groenwegen Economics BK
Dejan Gvozdenac Mathematics TC
Lily Caroline Hahn Geology & Geophysics TD
Ruth Ellen Hanna Women’sGender&SexualityStudies SM
Nathaniel Werthan Haslett Environmental Studies CC
Emma Manley Hathaway Music TD
Ryan Matthew Hintzman Literature (Int.) SM
Eve Elizabeth Houghton English DC
Ezra Husney Ethics,Politics & Economics TC
Alexander Leaff Jacobson History; Russian SY
Aidan Isaac OHalloran Kaplan Linguistics CC
Jungo Kasai Statistics SY
Sara Nikki Kiani Psychology DC
Yumi Koga Chemistry MC
Caitlin Nancy Joanne Kropp Archaeological Studies; Near Eastern Languages & Civs BK
Sarah Ilyse Landau History Science, Medicine & PH SM
EnHan Thaddeus Lee Architecture SM
William Cousteau Liang Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Ariadne Iris Lih Music BR
Evan Morrison Linn Philosophy PC
Michael Anatol Menz Mathematics (Int.) PC
Daniel Ahn Michelson Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Frederick Duchardt Muth Classics (Greek & Latin) BR
Andrew Hambidge Myers Political Science DC
Nicole Yun Lin Ng Global Affairs; Russian & E European Studies PC
Grace Annette Pan Physics (Int.) SM
Tanya Yajiao Shi Engineering Sci-Environmental MC
Aditya Sinha Computer Science TC
Ian Wilcox Spear Economics CC
Sergio Tang Near Eastern Languages & Civs SY
Alex Joel Wagner History ES
Austin Evan Wang Applied Mathematics BK
Jesse Kent Wang Economics & Mathematics SM
Mitchell Thomas Weldon Environmental Engineering SY
Trevor Colton Williams Economics & Mathematics CC
Xuan Wu Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Linguistics TC
Emily Anne Yankowitz History PC
Zachary Marshall Young Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Cathy Zhu Psychology BR
Jefferson Zhiping Zou Computer Science PC

Back to top

Class of 2016

Second Election of the Class of 2016
Name Major College
Nasos Anas Abuel Basal  Political Science PC
Eric Thompson Anderson  Engineering Science-Mechanical TC
Vlad Bacauanu Chemistry (Int.) CC
Jonah Diller Bader  History JE
William Edward Bailey   Computer Science CC
Samuel Henry Becker  East Asian Languages & Lits; Global Affairs CC
Adam Lawrence Beckman  Molecular Cellular Dev Biology TD
Aaron Benjamin Berman Global Affairs SY
Shoshana Gabrielle Bieler   American Studies PC
Shannon Parker Boudett History DC
Jason Michael Brown  Economics MC
Richard Wanchen Fu Chang  Computer Science MC
Angela Chen  Molecular Cellular Dev Biology JE
David Lei Chi  Applied Mathematics TD
William Andrew De Rocco  Physics (Int.) TD
Peter James Timothy Dewire Economics PC
Alexander Edwards Downie Ecology & Evolutionary Biology JE
Kareem Julian El-Badry Astrophysics DC
Samuel James Faucher Chemical Engineering TD
Joshua Michael Feinzig Ethics Politics & Economics CC
Emily Dale Feldstein Cognitive Science PC
Michelle Shannon Fogarty Economics BR
Jade Augustine Young Ford  Global Affairs DC
Jaclyn Rose Freshman History Science  Medicine & PH TC
Katherine Deane Gea Chemistry (Int.) TD
Bertie Geng Molecular Cellular DevBio(Int) SY
Michael Alan Gregory  Philosophy CC
Nicholas Stephenson Henriquez Film Studies BR
Eva Amelia Hoffman  Anthropology BR
Thomas Edward Hopson History TC
Caleb David Huang  Molecular Cellular Dev Biology SM
Kate Huh  Literature JE
Catherine Shea Jennings  Political Science TC
Lyndon Liang Ji Mathematics (Int.) SM
Mason Yuan Ji Global Affairs; Mathematics MC
Charles Chuan Jin  Computer Science; Mathematics SM
Luke Forrester Johnson   Anthropology SY
Eugene Kyuyoung Kim  Economics BK
Seewan Kim  Biomedical Engineering JE
Mollie Osherow Korewa Ethnicity  Race & Migration BK
Kelsey Rose Larson  Economics SM
Seyoung Lee  Ethics Politics & Economics BK
Sylvia Raye Leith German ES
Brooke Alexandra Colma Levin  History of Art; Psychology DC
Nolan Joseph Maloney  Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Alexandros Mousatov Mathematics MC
Viktor Nesheim Economics TC
Cristabelle Elizabeth Ormiston English SM
Hannah Gabrielle Otis  Applied Mathematics DC
Olivia Havemeyer Pollak History; Psychology DC
Marvin Bohua Qian Computer Science ES
Amy Lynn Rockwood  Mechanical Engineering BK
Daniel Ian Rubins English PC
Pooja Salhotra Psychology; Economics ES
Derek Ross Soled  Sociology (Int.); Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Rebecca Su  Biomedical Engineering SM
William August Theiss Literature (Int.) BK
Siqi Wang  Economics MC
Jacob Lawrence Wasserman History; Political Science SY
Jason David Young  French (Int.); Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SY
Jeff R Zhang  Psychology MC

Back to top

Third Election of the Class of 2016
Name Major College
Gwen Simmons Antell Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Geology & Geophysics PC
David Diaz Arteaga Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Rebecca Lindsay Bakal Women’sGender&SexualityStudies BR
Susannah Eileen Benjamin English; French PC
Katherine Amanda Bollag Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Curtis James Broberg Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Jackson Thomas Busch Global Affairs; History ES
Jonathon Cai Computer Science; Applied Mathematics ES
Yiyun Grace Cao Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) TD
Hannah Kathleen Carrese Humanities PC
Julien Edward Clancy Mathematics (Int.) SM
Millicent Hillock Cripe Sociology (Int.) TC
Shalila Shek De Bourmont Ecology & Evolutionary Biology JE
Anny Victoria Dow Cognitive Science SM
Alexander Joseph Dubovoy History CC
Maia Eliscovich Sigal Economics TD
Katherine Laura Garvey Cognitive Science TD
Ezriel Gelbfish Ethics,Politics & Economics; Film and Media Studies DC
Shijie Gong Economics & Mathematics DC
Ian Scott Gonzalez Computer Science TC
Jiahe Gu Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Jesus Alberto Gutierrez Anthropology SY
Mitchell Seth Harris Mathematics DC
Emily Ewing Hays History; South Asian Studies CC
Nathaniel Carl Howe Economics; Classics (Latin) MC
Andrew Hongyi Hu Economics; Computer Science & Mathematics PC
Ryan Alexander Humble Engineering Science-Mechanical; Applied Mathematics CC
Elaine Seungji Kang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Edward Lingxin Kong Biomedical Engineering; Economics PC
Darien Lee Economics; Chemistry (Int.) BR
Adira E. Levine Political Science DC
Cassandra Jennings Lincoln Economics; History Science, Medicine & PH SY
Grace Yun Liu Molecular Biophysics & Biochem JE
Vivath Ly Economics & Mathematics BR
Christopher Michael McGill Ethics,Politics & Economics BK
John Lamb McGinn Applied Mathematics TD
Sylvia Fleming McNamara American Studies DC
Maxwell Hunter Payson Engineering Science-Chemical CC
Adam Basel Pissaris Biomedical Engineering MC
Daniel Aron Pollack Mathematics & Physics ES
Scott Benjamin Remer Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Daniel Joseph Rietze Italian; English SY
Renata Amado Rique Economics; Global Affairs BK
Drew Loren Robinett Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology SY
Adrian John Rodrigues Economics; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology BK
Joshua Louis Rosenfeld Computer Science MC
Eve Marielle Roth Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; English MC
Allison Nicole Schechter Molecular Biophysics & Biochem DC
Joel William Sher Biomedical Engineering DC
Margaret Anna Shultz English ES
Nicholas Kirsch Smith Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
Rebecca Lee Spaulding Cognitive Science JE
Isidora Stankovic Economics; History TD
Isaac Mendel Stanley-Becker History JE
Gina Micaela Starfield Ethnicity, Race & Migration; Political Science SY
Paul Joseph Steffan Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TD
Akhil Sud Economics SM
Arsalan Akkas Sufi Computer Science ES
John Leo Sykes, Jr. Economics TD
Eric Davis Truog Ethics,Politics & Economics TD
Rain Tsong Geology & Geophysics MC
Lauren Westermann Urbont Literature BK
Edward Ming Wang Architecture TC
Anna Swift Young Environmental Studies; Computer Science MC
Justin Yu Zhang Chemistry (Int.); Applied Mathematics BR
Vance Zuo Computer Science MC

Back to top

Class of 2015

Second Election of the Class of 2015
Name Major College
Yuri Ahuja Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Rachel Ann Hamburg Brown Ethics,Politics & Economics SY
Andrew Sungyup Chun Anthropology PC
Joshua Christian Cofsky Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Susan Delgado  Global Affairs BK
Anna Rachel Demaree Economics PC
Allison Nicole Douglis Philosophy BK
Paul Nathan Elish Latin American Studies SY
Nicola Feldman  Chemistry (Int.) DC
Lewis Golove Philosophy ES
Holly Shivashri Hajare Chemistry (Int.) BR
Courtney Anne Halgren English ES
Seoyoon Han Economics TD
Catherine Lyman Harmer Physics JE
Jeremy Ernest Hutton Economics PC
Renusha Indralingam Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Alisha Najmi Jarwala Political Science PC
F. Cody Kahoe Modern Middle Eastern Studies CC
Margaret Claire Kandel Linguistics SY
Bridget Therese Kiely Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology CC
Emmett Byung Chahn Kim Cognitive Science JE
Alexander Cannon Knight Political Science PC
Christopher Donald Landry Classics SY
Rebecca Ariel Levinsky History of Art MC
Kevin Gerardo Lindsay-Rivera Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Lundqvist, Jacob Carl Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Bo H Malin-Mayor Ethics,Politics & Economics; Psychology TD
Allison Irvine Mandeville Modern Middle Eastern Studies JE
Sinclaire Devereux Marber History of Art MC
Jason Cyrus Mazzella Economics ES
Sophia Evelyn Mendelson American Studies BK
Evan Alexander Millstein Economics PC
Daniel George Mitropolsky Mathematics (Int.) PC
Igor Mitschka Political Science; Global Affairs SY
Kyra Greenman Morris English BK
Grace Elizabeth Paquelet Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology PC
Yeon Woo Park Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Elena Kim Perry Ecology & Evolutionary Biology BR
Phillips, Grace Eleanor Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Nooreen Reza Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology; South Asian Studies DC
Olivia Clair Rosenthal History SM
Caroline Frances Rouse Global Affairs PC
James Austin Schaefer History; Economics JE
Jacob Anton Schafer Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Zachary Adam Schloss Economics; History BK
Kirsten Adair Schnackenberg History DC
Kevin Alexander Shain Applied Physics MC
Xiao Shi Computer Science SM
Geoffrey Degener Smith Mathematics (Int.) PC
Eric Wasserman Stern Political Science PC
Scott Wasserman Stern American Studies BR
Charlotte Lord Storch Political Science PC
Michael Lam Tan Computer Science & Mathematics JE
Thomas Bard Veitch Psychology PC
Gia Marie Velasquez Chemistry SM
Benjamin Martin Waksman Applied Mathematics DC
Jingran Wang Economics CC
Daniel Joseph Weiner Cognitive Science TD
Spencer Jacob Weinreich History PC
Vivien Wong Molecular Biophysics & Biochem DC
Ashley Qi Wu Global Affairs MC
Gazelle Meriam Zerafati Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology TD
Peter Lee Zhan Molecular Biophysics & Biochem CC
Cyril Xi Yao Zhang Computer Science SM
Jiao Zhang Environmental Studies DC
Kevin Cong Zhou Biomedical Engineering BK

Back to top

Third Election of the Class of 2015
Name Major College
Divyansh Agarwal Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Daniel Alejandro Arias History Science, Medicine & PH CC
Tiraana Bains History CC
Robert Andrew Batista Political Science TD
Muriel Rose Battaglia Psychology JE
Kevin Michael Boehm Biomedical Engineering SM
James Samuel Broughton Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Benjamin William Burke Chemical Engineering PC
Eric Yangshaolei Chen Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) SY
Jacob Allen Dawe American Studies TC
Alexander James Dobner Mathematics (Int.); Computer Science DC
Caroline Claire Durlacher German Studies JE
Aaron Michael Effron Physics MC
Danielle Rebecca Feuer Political Science DC
Hannah Lynn Fornero Economics; Engineering Sci-Environmental SM
Minami Funakosh Literature SY
Matteo Godi Ethics,Politics & Economics; Philosophy PC
Elijah Isaac Goldberg Economics PC
Sophie Sword Gould History BR
Lisa Santilli Hansmann History TC
Emily Clarke Harris Political Science; East Asian Studies BR
Bao Chau Thuy Hoang History SY
Kelly Hsu Economics; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology PC
Sophie Elizabeth Mary Janaskie Environmental Engineering ES
James Jiang Economics ES
Peter Jonathan Karalekas Physics; Computer Science DC
Samuel Joseph Kaufman-Martin Engineering Science-Mechanical MC
Jordan Rand Konell Political Science; African American Studies PC
Kornvuthi Lapprathana Economics TD
Timothy Browder Leake Mathematics (Int.) SM
Somin Lee Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Hannah Pei Leo Psychology SY
Alexander Kenneth Lew Computer Science & Mathematics BK
Diana Garnet Li Ethics,Politics & Economics DC
Seth William Lifland Computer Science SY
Retley Gene Locke, Jr. Psychology SY
Talya Mara Lockman-Fine Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Jeffrey Robert March Biomedical Engineering; Italian TD
Stacey Lynn Matakaetis Psychology ES
Gordon Matthew McCambridge Mechanical Engineering; Global Affairs BR
Leander James McCormick-Goodhart Economics BK
Jackson Davis McHenry English SM
Chelsea Jordan Messinger History Science, Medicine & PH JE
Eleanor Elise Marguerite Michotte English MC
David Gomiero Molina Humanities; Russian & E European Studies TD
Mary Christina Mussman Literature BK
Rachel Elizabeth O’Connell Ethics,Politics & Economics DC
Sarah Elizabeth Onorato Psychology SM
Shivang Kiran Patel Electrical Engineering TC
Neil Pathak Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) CC
Robert James Pecoraro Physics JE
Rachel Danielle Perfecto Astrophysics; Music (Int.) SY
Andrew Chang Qi Biomedical Engineering MC
Aube Beverly Rey Lescure Political Science DC
Miranda Lee Rizzolo English; Theater Studies ES
Corinne Elizabeth Ruth Psychology SY
Bryan Pinheiro Santos Economics; Engineering Science-Mechanical BK
Ashley Renee Schwarzer Ecology & Evolutionary Biology JE
Rachel Anne Scott Religious Studies; Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
Rahul Singh Economics & Mathematics SY
Sarah Quirk Smith Statistics SY
Erin Jongmin Song Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TC
Kayo Teramoto Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci DC
Joe Kuanheng Tung Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Andrew Jacob Wagner Art; American Studies TD
Jessica Yahan Wang Economics MC
Eric Schertz Willett Economics TC
Gabriele Kathryn Zamora Psychology MC

Back to top

Class of 2014

Second Election of the Class of 2014
Name Major College
Sarah Barbara Abdallah Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology SM
Susannah Kumari Albert-Chandhok Psychology DC
Nicolas Aldana Physics SM
Nicholas Sterling Alers Economics DC
Jason Paul Allmaras Mechanical Engineering JE
Shon Arieh-Lerer Philosophy ES
Russell Clay Ault Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC
Alexander Sanghyun Bae Political Science BR
Isabel Emma Beshar Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology SY
Patrick Abbott Chase Elec.Engineering/Computer Science BK
Grayson Edward Clary Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Jenna Margaret Cook Women’s Gender& Sexuality Studies DC
Margaret Elizabeth Coons History SM
Krisha Desai Chemical Engineering DC
Michael John DiScala Computer Science DC
Alan Saul Elbaum Near Eastern Languages & Civs PC
Kenneth Kun Fang Economics MC
Emily Reynolds Farr Geology & Geophysics BK
Enrico Giuseppe Ferro Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Daniel Evan Frondorf Economics SM
Daisuke Alexander Gatanaga Chemistry (Int.) SY
Zacharoula Gkotsi Ethics,Politics & Economics DC
Katarzyna Agata Hitczenko Cognitive Science PC
Sarah Jampel English TD
Andrea Marta Januta Economics & Mathematics SM
Ruoyi Jiang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Matthew Kuan Johnson Cognitive Science TD
Hendrik Keating Kits van Heyningen Mathematics & Physics CC
Sebastian Hassan John Koochaki Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Chelsea Edwards Lane Music TD
Kevin Li Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Ayezan Malik Economics & Mathematics TC
Holly Beth Mandel Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology SM
Benjamin Mappin-Kasirer French (Int.) TD
Ryan Michael McKinnon Physics (Int.) SY
Alexandra Marie Noonan Electrical Engineering BK
Wojciech Tomasz Osowiecki Chemistry (Int.) MC
Cassie Ja-ann Pan Chemistry DC
Achyut Rao Patil Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology BK
Jessica Perfetto Psychology BK
Laura Portuondo English ES
Julie Ye Qiu Cognitive Science DC
Naureen Rashid Economics ES
Julia Lindsay Rohrer English CC
Jonas Rosenbrück Philosophy PC
Joshua Scott Rozner Computer Science BR
Swee Khee Brenda Seah Linguistics JE
Sophia Elana Shimer Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology CC
Jack Shilei Shu Economics TC
Thomas Alan Sorrentino Biomedical Engineering SM
Laura Gray Speyer East Asian Studies TD
Rayner Yunwei Teo Ethics, Politics & Economics MC
Stephanie Anastasia Tubiolo Music SM
Emily J Ullmann American Studies TD
Aren James Vastola Theater Studies BK
Patrick Quinn White Philosophy BR
Antonia Elizabeth Woodford History ES
Eun Sung Yang Global Affairs TD
E-Lynn Yap English TD
Connie Ann Zhao Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MC

Back to top

Third Election of the Class of 2014
Name Major College
Jane Jaiwon Bang Economics; Global Affairs TD
Alison Rachel Barton Biology; Archaelogical Studies MC
Zachary Aaron Bell Art PC
Maxwell Louis Birger Physics SY
Eric Barry Caine Economics DC
Karen Chen Economics PC
Sihan Chen Ethics,Politics & Economics JE
Anh Phuong Chu Economics & Mathematics ES
Jonah Bartels Coe-Scharff History PC
Mitchell Legrand Conery V Economics & Mathematics CC
Shenil Dodhia Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry; Computer Science TD
Edmund Thomas Downie Ethics,Politics & Economics ES
Etoroabasi E. Ekpe Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Avtalya Rose Feldman Psychology SM
Antonia Elizabeth Gallman Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TD
Grace Braestrup Gallogly History CC
Adina Hemley-Bronstein American Studies (Int.) MC
Jeanni Hwang French (Int.) TD
Alec Linville Joyner English MC
Joshua Louis Kalla Political Science MC
Dylan Macmurphy Kenny Humanities BK
Ariella Sara Kristal Ethics,Politics & Economics TD
Nataliya Langburd Global Affairs; Economics MC
Katherine Louise Leiby Biomedical Engineering SM
Joanna Siqi Liu East Asian Studies MC
Ruoyu Liu Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Adin Lykken Economics CC
Sho Goldberg Matsuzaki Computing and the Arts TD
Elizabeth Rice Mattison History of Art JE
Julia Rice Mattison English; French BK
Katherine Grace McDaniel Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Evan Padraic Mullen Humanities TC
Gabriel Rivers Naniwai Murchison Women’sGender&SexualityStudies DC
Sophie DuBois Nethercut History; Ethnicity, Race & Migration ES
Hilary Rose O’Connell Women’sGender&SexualityStudies TD
Dylan Lawrence Orenstein History BK
David Joshua Ottenheimer Psychology BK
Colin Fleming Pawlowski Mathematics (Int.) SY
Sharon Qian Mathematics BR
Maxwell Colin Ramage Music (Int.) ES
Anna Louise Renken Architecture; Art ES
Rachel Lieber Rothberg History PC
Sara Elisabeth Sampoli History of Art PC
Alexander Harold Shapiro Mathematics & Philosophy DC
Josephine Belia Smit Ecology & Evolutionary Biology ES
Andrea Gray Stein Ethics,Politics & Economics BR
Yingqi Tan Economics PC
Wells Spencer Thorne Theater Studies; Geology & Geophysics BR
Patrick Franz Toth Political Science MC
Xuan Hong Thi Tran Religious Studies JE
Vasiliki Triantafillou Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) DC
Selin Unluonen Literature JE
John Lawrence Whittaker Computer Science BK
Andrew Mark Winter Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Daisy Davis Wolf Political Science TC
Joseph Hunter Yagoda Ethics,Politics & Economics CC
Bryan Yang Mathematics MC
Xiuyi Zheng Ethics,Politics & Economics DC

Back to top

Class of 2013

Second Election of the Class of 2013
Name Major College
Nicholas M Adams Biomedical Engineering SM
Mostafa Amer Al-Alusi Biology MC
Kavitha Kaya Anandalingam Biomedical Engineering SY
Katherine Dana Aufhauser History TD
Daniel Fischbein Berenson Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Alyssa Marie Bilinski Political Science CC
David Michael Carel Economics PC
Stacey Chen Political Science SY
Willa Cordelia Fitzgerald Theater Studies JE
Franziska Karin Barbara Goer Psychology PC
Mo Gong Economics & Mathematics PC
Aaron Hakim Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Amelia Elizabeth Hassoun Anthropology MC
Reuben Abraham Hendler Cognitive Science CC
Orlando Javier Hernandez English DC
Ian Lawrence Hoffman Economics & Mathematics BK
Allison Kelly Hugi Global Affairs MC
Syed Faisal Hussaini Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TC
Mike Jin Computer Science & Mathematics ES
Chelsea Lynn Jurman Political Science BK
Yuan Kang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
Lee Kennedy-Shaffer Mathematics ES
Kevin Alexander Lai Physics SY
Miriam Gumbinner Lauter Linguistics BR
Katherine Ann Levandoski Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BK
Brandon Scott Levin Ethics,Politics & Economics DC
Sibjeet Mahapatra Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
James Gregory Mandilk Mathematics & Philosophy SY
Dakota Elaine McCoy Biology BR
Tess McNulty English BK
John Max Mikitish Russian & E European Studies SM
Ela Anna Naegele History MC
Patrick Regis OKeefe Applied Mathematics CC
Laura Platzer Psychology CC
Ryan Francis Pollock English CC
Joshua William Revesz Political Science (Int.) CC
Cameron Ellis Rotblat Global Affairs JE
Samer Roy Sabri Computer Science SY
Faten A Sayed Psychology DC
Erica Rose Segall Economics MC
Clare Suzanne Sestanovich English PC
Amalia Elizabeth Skilton Classics (Greek) CC
Micheline Barbara Soley Music SM
Merav Judith Stern Music SY
Nora Banff Aurora Stewart Theater Studies JE
Diana Stoianov Psychology DC
Mack Yiran Su Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Natalia Meyer Thompson Women’sGender&SexualityStudies ES
Rohit Thummalapalli Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Kyle Cameron van Leer Near Eastern Languages & Civs MC
Eduard Benjamin VanGelder Classics (Latin) JE
Emily White Villano Humanities PC
Gerald Jonathan Wang Mechanical Engineering DC
Luyi Xu Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
William Ruxi Zhang Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) ES
Haibo Zhao Economics TC
Yuanchi Zhao Chemistry (Int.) MC
Lucas Solomon Zwirner Philosophy DC

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Third Election of the Class of 2013
Name Major College

Bijan Michael Aboutorabi



Margaret Brooke Ayers

Biomedical Engineering


Danielle Elizabeth Barcak



Amymarie Kathryn Bartholo

Chemistry (Int.)


Connor John Bell

History/Science, History/Medicine


Adam Barnett Berman

Political Science


Nicholas William Bleisch



Juliette Anne Calvarin



Matthew J. Chalkley

Chemistry (Int.)


Catherine Siyue Chen

Environmental Studies


Lihui Chen



Sophia Ying-Yee Chen

Molecular, Cellular, Dev Bio (Int)


Cassius Marcellus C. Clay

History of Art


Paul Michael Cohen

Cognitive Science


Taylor Ross Davis

Molecular Biophysics & Bioch


Alyssa Denning

History of Art


Nathanael Deraney



Deirdre Nicole Dlugoleski



Samuel Peter Dorward

Global Affairs


Evan Nathaniel Feinberg

Applied Physics


Emily Elizabeth Foster Hans



Lara Arielle Fourman

Biomedical Engineering


Rebecca F Gandy

Classics (Latin)


Samuel Eli Gardenswartz

Religious Studies


Samuel David Greenberg

Political Science


Zachary Daniel Groff

Ethics, Politics & Economics


Bridget Berglund Hatton

Global Affairs


Samuel James Huber



Stephen James Hughes

Classics (Greek & Latin)(Int.)


Jennifer Jean Kasbohm

Geology & Geophysics


Spencer Ridgway Katz

Molecular, Cellular, Dev Bio (Int)


DongHyuk Kim

Economics & Mathematics


Akshay Prakash Kumar

Biomedical Engineering


David Alston Langdon

Political Science


Catherine Laporte-Oshiro

Ethics, Politics & Economics


Dominick Robert Lawton



Christina Lee



Paul Anthony Leo



John P Lesnewich

Modern Middle Eastern Studies


Nicole Amanda Levy



Danqing Liu

Computer Science


Rachel Elizabeth Looff

History/Science, History/Medicine


Zachary Kevin Maher



Caroline Palo Mann

Classics (Greek & Latin)(Int.)


Ryan Albert Mendias

Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies


Natalie Camille Morningstar



Benjamin Goddard Mullet



Christopher James Murray

Global Affairs


Derek Sungho Park

Biology (Int.)


Jasmine Whitney Reid



Megan Salas

History of Art


Diego Jose Salvatierra

Ethics, Politics & Economics


Sophia Luz Sanchez



Yishai Meir Schwartz



Sarah Gwendolyn Scott



Jennifer Lynn Shelby

Sociology (Int.)


Andre Shomorony

Biomedical Engineering


Andrew Michael Sotiriou

American Studies


Thomas Gelernter Stanley-Becker

Political Science


Elizabeth Houghton Starr

Ethics, Politics & Economics


Mary Norma Lynn Stottele



JohnMark Edward Taylor

Cognitive Science


Shailin Andrew Thomas



Mira Dobrow Vale

Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies


Max Louis Valenstein

Molecular Biophysics & Bioch


Derek Zachary Walker



Hesu Yang



Nathaniel Avi Gideon Zelins



Back to top


Class of 2012

Second Election of the Class of 2012
Name Major College

James August Biondi

English; Theater Studies


Noah Benjamin Bokat-Lindel

Political Science; History


Luke O’Neill Bradford

Computing and the Arts        


Philip Jason Bronstein

Chemical Engineering


Ryan Michael Caro



Janice Hanlu Chen  

Economics BR

Zoe Beatrice Cheung

Biology CC

Jordana Alter Confino

Psychology TC

Elizabeth P. Cowell

Biology BR

Nazih Hazem El-Khatib        

Political Science SY

Christopher Ryan Ell 

Physics; Classics (Greek & Latin)       SY

Harris Ross Eppsteiner

Ethics,Politics & Economics DC

John Tyler Ettinger   

Economics SY

Daniel William Ewert               

History SY

Adam C. Fields 

Psychology BK

Rebecca Sharon Fine

Psychology BK

Jennifer Marie Fischer

Applied Mathematics  CC

Louis Landowne Gilbert

Economics  BR

Jonathan Lazar Holbrook

Russian & E European Studies CC

Marian Philips Homans-Turnbull

English      TC

Helen Elizabeth Jack

Biology; International Studies SY

Paul Joo

Cognitive Science BK

Matthew Eric Pessar Joseph

History PC

Phillip Jay Kaplan 

Political Science  DC

Tomoki Kimura

Biology PC

Faizaan Teizoon Kisat

Economics BR

Tobias Kuehne           

Literature BR

Emily Rose Langowitz           

Near Eastern Languages & Civs        SM

Samuel W. Lasman

Theater Studies; Modern Middle Eastern Studies BK

Tyler Lau

Linguistics MC

Jin Won Lee

Economic TC

Jian Li

Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry      DC

Yang Li 

History  BK

Robert Leonard Liles            

Philosophy  TC

Chenyu Lin    

Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry  PC

Lauren Rose Lisann

Psychology DC

Isabella Lores-Chavez

History of Art BR

Carmen Xiao Wei Lu 

Political Science (Int.) SM

Vanessa Jean Murphy

Political Science SY

Cameron Nicholas Musco

Computer Science  PC

McKaye Lea Neumeister

American Studies   SM

Jason Parad

Psychology; Biology BR

Finola Anne Prendergast

English DC

Lauren Elaine Provini

Spanish SY

Allison Rabkin Golden

East Asian Studies (China) BK

Michael Christopher Rauschenbach

Philosophy; Russian DC

Courtney Blair Rubin

Biology  TC

Jonathan Lyle Rubin

Mathematics (Int.)  ES

Rick Daniel Russotto

Geology & Geophysics  CC

Tal Eylan Shachar

Ethics,Politics & Economics ES

Durga Thakral

Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry PC

Qi Ning Tian

Biomedical Engineering SY

Rebecca Simone Treger

Biology (Int.)     TC

Amy Huilin Tsang

Sociology (Int.)    CC

Cyril Villarosa Uy

Religious Studies  BK

Michael Nathaniel Wysolmerski

Environmental Studies  JE

David Yuxuan Zhang

Economics ES

Gabriel Mereson Zucker

Ethics,Politics & Economics PC
Third Election of the Class of 2012
Name Major College

Arjun Susheel Adusumilli

Electrical Engineering


Chidiebere Daniels Akusobi

Biology (Int.)


Sarah Caldwell Armitage



Jared Abraham McClure Bard

Molecular Biophysics & Biochem


Lauren Elizabeth Berk

Mathematics (Int.)


Austin Maxwell Bernhardt



Brian Walter Bills

Political Science


Kathleen Alicia Carter



Correna Slaney Cohen



Sarah Enid Eidelson

American Studies


Kate Martin Falkenstien



Marcelle Avital Friedma,



Matthew Ross Gottesdiener



Jonathan Paul Augustus Greco

Physics (Int.)


Nabeem Irtiaz Hashem

Physics (Int.)


Michael Benson Haycock

Political Science


Ryan Scott Hollander

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Benjamin Will Horowitz



Sinan Ilter

Mathematics (Int.)


Peter Thomas Jasinski

Electrical Engineering


Kyra Sahar Jefferson-George



Sarah Amelia Johnson

Archaeological Studies


Jared Fox Jones

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Daniel Steven Kapec

Physics (Int.)


Zara Fae Kessler



Laura Elizabeth Kling



Ashley Megan Lamica



Sarah Brett Dustin Larsson



Diana Marie Linton

East Asian Studies


Benjamine Y Liu

Biology (Int.)


Jonathan Paul MacMillan

Computer Science


Reid Joseph Magdanz

Environmental Studies


Margaret Jeanne McCall

Geology & Geophysics


Andrew James McCreary

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Daniel Patrick McLaughlin

Political Science


Dila Dahlia Mignouna

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Jack Evans Montgomery

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Jeania Ree Violet Moore



Christian James Mott



Katherine Cotter Orazem



Ryan Jin-hyung Park

Molecular Biophysics & Biochem


Malika Rakhmankulova

Political Science


Katelyn Marie Roth

Molecular Biophysics & Biochem


Rebecca Kate Sackler



Kathryn Harrigan Saxton



Allison Beth Scharfstein

American Studies (Int.)


Rebecca ClaireSchultz



Angela A She

Chemistry (Int.)


Catherine Elizabeth Sheard



Zheheng Shi



Yu Sun

Environmental Studies


Frank William Thompson

Mathematics (Int.)


Boloroo Uuganbayar

Ethics,Politics & Economics


Sophia Elena Pies Veltfort



Ben Sturm Wexler

Music (Int.)


Rachel Bloomdahl Wilf



Naomi Meghan Woo

Mathematics & Philosophy


Amy You Wu

Molecular Biophysics & Biochem


Raymond Heng Xi

Economics & Mathematics


Bianca Faith Yuh



Chloe Elizabeth Zale

Cognitive Science


Back to top


Class of 2011

Second Election of the Class of 2011
Name Major College
Ann Bendersky Atura English CC
Eleanor Rachel Avrunin Computer Science BR
Jie Bai Economics BK
Mary Ellen Barrosse-Antle Political Science JE
Eve Chloe Binder Literature PC
Michael Ernest Boyce Modern Middle Eastern Studies BR
Ross Evan Brendel Economics PC
Katherine Li-fan Carmody EP&E JE
Isabelle Claypoole Chafkin Art JE
Rachel Chaoran Chen Biology SY
Laura Rebecca Vera Colman Biology ES
David Albert Colognori Biology PC
Elizabeth Burnat Deutsch English; Economics MC
Gabriel Phillip Ellsworth English SM
Lauren Elizabeth Eyler Biology SM
Lidia Mladenova Gocheva Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations PC
Kelsy Ellen Greenwald Biology DC
Yingqi Gu Computer Science ES
Jane Rebecca Hinkle History ES
Ryan M. Jacobs History SM
Simone J. Jensen Economics PC
Isis Esther Jimenez Mathematics DC
Christina Kyung-Eun Kim History SM
Robert Conrad Klipper History BK
Rachel Han Lee Biology DC
Brian Matthew Levin Political Science SM
Rebecca Yaffa Linfield Mathematics & Philosophy MC
Monica Yun Liu Biology TD
Peggy Jie Liu Psychology TC
Justin Isaac Lowenthal Biomedical Engineering ES
Matthew Lowell Meizlish History TC
Elliot Michael Milco Humanities BK
Jessica Alkalay Moldovan History SY
Dylan Humphrey Morris EP&E BK
Susan Elizabeth Morrow Philosophy; German Studies ES
Lawrence Andrew Moy Psychology TD
Benjamin Westgate Ogilvy Art TD
Zeynep Pamuk EP&E PC
Ava Tattelman Parnes Linguistics DC
Jason Gutekunst Perlman History BK
Diana Yuan Qiu Physics ES
Amy Johanna Radding Biology CC
Nicholas Noronha Rosenbaum Chinese JE
Andrew George Rothaus Economics ES
Rebecca Megan Russ Biology CC
Naina Rashmi Saligram Humanities BR
Andrew Vincent Saviano English PC
Gavrail Todorov Tatarliev Mechanical Engineering PC
Mansur Iskanderovitch Tokmouline Economics MC
Argyrios Tsiaras Economics; Political Science ES
Michael David Weiner Physics SM
Eleanor Avery Wertman History TD
Louisa Xu Economics SY
Third Election of the Class of 2011
Benjamin Brown Albright
Benjamin Dylan Alter
Mathew Stuart Andrews
Ezra Gershon Baraban
Rhiannon Ventry Folz Bronstein
Sijia Cai
Raymond Edward Carlson
Benjamin Irving Chaidell
Yin Chen
John Tachung Cheng
Frank Joseph Cirillo
Victoria S Crown
Anna Natalia Diakun
Caroline Beth Drucker
Jared Michael Dworken
Shaun Michael Farrell
Jerry Dongdong Feng
Edward Benjamin Fishman
Benjamin David Gallagher
Kevin John Gallagher
Lawrence West Gipson
Stephanie Maria Goldfarb
Anna Grasza
George Monsour Haddad
Virginie Sarah Halpern-Cohen
Eleanor Louise Hayes-Larson
Kristin Elise Heintz
Jia Huang
Zhipeng Huang
Jee Young Kim
Richard Kunwoo Kim
Ivan Kozyryev
Matthew James Kremer
Emily Hutchinson Kruger
Shan Kuang
Kathryn Lai
Emma Perlmuth Larson
Joshua Irving Levin
Zoe Electra Liberman
Joanna Morgan Linzer
Eric James Love
Peter Jia Long Lu
Michael Robert Mango
Jesse Robert Marks
Jacqueline Goldin Meadow
Benjamin Bixby Miller
Connor Martin Mills
Anna Catherine C Moser
Cora Emily Mukerji
Katherine Elise Munyan
Stephanie Colette Naratil
Grace Farver Needlman
Kathryn Meyer Olivarius
Camila Maria Rey Panama
Katherine Jina Park
Joshua Alexander Price
Elizabeth Forsyth Ralph
Emily Anne Rosenberg
Kevin Shen
Jeanne Gilliland Snow
Jenna Helise Spinks
Ilan Szekely Levy
Joshua David Tannen
Bryce Alan Taylor
Eva Cristina Uribe
Hannah Jane Waldenberger
Noah Robert Warren
Brooke Jillian Willig
Sarah Esther Winsberg
Rachel Latimer Wolf
Yihong Zhu
Hannah Jane Zornow

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Class of 2010

Second Election of the Class of 2010
Name Major College
Jacob Samuel Abolafia Philosophy DC
Hans Daniel Anderson EP&E SY
Benjamin Bok-yen Au Economics PC
Alice Lucile Baumgartner History BK
Jonathan Andrew Berken French; Psychology TC
Maria Aleksandra Blackwood History JE
Sarah Marie Brooker Biology BR
Christopher Rudolph Brusatte History MC
Julianne Elise Carlson Literature DC
Edward Hong-dah Chang Mathematics SY
Andrew Suppes Dean Political Science SM
Shane Paul Deighton Chemistry ES
Zai Ilsa Divecha Psychology JE
Tegan Vivan Donnelley History PC
Tyler Fooksin Dos Santos-Tam Political Science PC
Matthew Brandon Ellison EP&E BR
Farzana Aziz Faisal Biology CC
Daniel Elliot Fine Psychology ES
Marjorie Fran Galler Psychology TC
Jason Wansley Gilliland History SY
Tasos Gogakos MB&B ES
Emma Delano Griffin Cognitive Science TC
Lauren Elizabeth Hefferon History CC
Joseph Chen Hsu Economics MC
Jessica Lee Hunter Linguistics BR
David Seth Katzman Economics & Mathematics TC
Rishabh Khosla Political Science TC
Christopher David Labosky Humanities BR
James Walter Luccarelli Chemistry BR
Aaron Christopher Marchant Astronomy & Physics MC
Mihaela Mihailova Mihailova Film Studies PC
My Khanh Ngo Political Science DC
Ivy Ai-Vi Nguyen Biology TC
Hoai Chau Nguyen Van Electrical Engineering BK
John Sungjong Oh Economics & Mathematics BK
Alisa Claire Philo History PC
Vina Zhu Pulido Biology SY
Emily Anne Rabiner Italian TD
Alexander Edward Ramey EP&E; History TC
Samuel Wayne Reinhardt MB&B PC
Andrew Mitchell Rejan English BR
Christopher Charles W. Ripley Film Studies JE
Arden Van Fleet Rogow-Bales Classics (Latin) BR
Caitlin Elizabeth Roman EP&E TC
Katherine Ann Rosenfeld Astronomy & Physics MC
Tomas Tolford Rua History TC
Hillary Beth Schepps Linguistics SM
Kurt Hugo Schneider Mathematics CC
Richard Scudellari Electrical Engineering BR
Joshua Maxwell Silverstein History JE
Amy Elizabeth Skerry Cognitive Science TD
James William Smithy Biology TC
Amar Jagdish Srivastava Biology SY
Nikhil Sud Economics SM
Mahima Sukhdev Political Science CC
Michele Diane Trickey Physics (Int.) DC
Liza Tamara VanGundy Political Science BK
Michael Vishnevetsky MB&B BR
Kate Elizabeth Waldman English CC
Leah Levoy Wibecan Cognitive Science SY
Amy Er Fang Yuan Biomedical Engineering SM
Ilana Rachel Yurkiewicz Biology CC
Third Election of the Class of 2010
Name Major College
William Freeman Alden English PC
Stav Atir Psychology SY
Daniel Gregory Baneman EP&E SY
Matthew William Barr Political Science MC
Alessia Bhargava Economics JE
Clifford Michael Bielinski Political Science TC
William Robert Bradley Biology BK
Jonathan David Bregman EP&E CC
Samuel M. Brill History TC
Cassie Helen Chambers Psychology SM
Henry Nathaniel Corrigan-Gibbs Computer Science SY
Charles Isaac Durand IV Theater Studies TC
Brian David Earp Cognitive Science CC
Matthew Brian Eisen Economics; Political Science PC
Emma Lerner Freeman American Studies BR
Philip Alexander Gant East Asian Studies; History TC
Noah Ziggy Gentele History; MB&B SM
Logan Scott Glickfield Electrical Engineering BR
Robert Francis Golan-Vilella History; International Studies BR
Scott Ferguson Griffen Humanities CC
Deborah Lynn Gruen Economics MC
Ryan Donovan Harper Music; Literature BR
Lin He Computer Science TC
Emily Mara Hoffman English; WG&SS BR
Shoshana Leah Iliaich Political Science DC
Rex David Isenberg Music CC
Mia Matsuda Kanak Political Science PC
Thomas Alexander Kaplan Political Science SM
Changhyun Kim Economics; Biology JE
David Hyunghwa Kim Biology BK
Victoria Goldsborough Klingenstein Psychology SM
John Edward Lazar Chemistry; Applied Mathematics TC
Lulu Z. Li Architecture MC
Ming-Yee Lin East Asian Studies JE
Adam MacGregor Lukasiewicz Biology ES
Laura Hayden Marris English BK
Andrew McTernan History; Economics CC
Caroline Eva Mezger History MC
Cara Alice Moran Political Science BK
Gabriela Czertok Netter Political Science; Psychology CC
Michael David Pacer Psychology SM
David Campbell Porter History SY
Ian David Randolph Cognitive Science MC
Teresa Alexandra Reed History CC
Allyson Shepard Rinderle Biomedical Engineering JE
Nicholas Beyer Robbins History of Art BR
Heather Marie Robinson Psychology DC
Andrew Scott Rogers Computer Science PC
Miriam Wenig Rubenstein Linguistics BR
Kristin Leanna Saetveit History SM
Bryce Tyler Scanlan Economics; Computer Science DC
Mary Hayes Schnoor Engineering; Classics CC
Courtney Ruth Sender English JE
Christopher Edward Shelton Political Science TD
Matthew Benjamin Shields Humanities CC
Alexander Robert Soble EP&E; South Asian Studies TC
Kevin Wayne Su Biology MC
Avi Abraham Sutton EP&E JE
Paul Jeffrey Treadgold Political Science DC
Adam Michael Trettel Humanities MC
Lara Christine Tumeh History ES
Casey Leigh Verkamp History BR
Mai Wang English TD
Amy Elizabeth Watson History JE
Julia Marie Weiser Biology CC
Lily Du Yan Biology DC
Stanley Yu Economics; International Studies SM
Laura Christina Zaragoza History CC
Laura Alexandra Zax English SM

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Class of 2009

Third Election of the Class of 2009

Second Election of the Class of 2009
Name Major College
Isaiah Smith Andrews Economics & Mathematics TC
Wilma Alice Bainbridge Cognitive Science ES
Rachel Lisa Bayefsky EP&E MC
Kimberly Judith Bloom-Feshbach Religious Studies CC
Katherine Elizabeth Boronow Biology JE
Antonios N. Charokopos   Biology CC
Alexander Li-Che Chin MB&B SM
Edwina Bullard Clarke EP&E SY
Jennifer Leigh Cohen Theater Studies MC
Tess Alexandra Dearing History BK
Rebekah Carrel Diamond Psychology BR
Elissa Danielle Dunn Physics BK
Timothy Charles Ellison Literature SY
Elizabeth Blair Epstein Political Science TD
Matthew Dean Evans EP&E BK
Emily Suzanne Finn Linguistics DC
Thomas Candler Gilliland, Jr.  Biology SY
Alison Marie Gillmeister Humanities MC
Valerie Ann Gordon MB&B SY
Daniel David Graves Economics ES
Aaron Bahn Greenberg Economics TD
Jorge Manuel Gutierrez, Jr. Political Science ES
Michael Darius Haghkerdar Linguistics TD
Lauren Elise Harrison Political Science ES
Jing Huang Biology SY
Max David Kahn Mathematics PC
James Glennon Kernochan Classics (Greek) ES
Eric Joseph Klein Applied Mathematics SY
Justin Lewis Kosslyn Computer Science ES
Taylor Nicholas LaFlam Biology TC
Sun Jin Lee MB&B SY
Alexander Downey Lemon II  Electrical Engineering  PC
Charles Harry Taylor Lesch Political Science DC
Andrea K. Leung Architecture PC
Minghao Liu Biology JE
Eli Aaron Luberoff Physics CC
Peter Theodore Luehring-Jones History SY
Roger Daniel Maldonado History BK
Adam Alexander Markovitz Biology SY
Tenley Mochizuki Anthropology BR
Alejandro Navarro Garcia Economics BK
David Timothy Newman Psychology CC
Caroline Khanh Ngoc Nguyen Economics; Psychology ES
Mark Joseph O’Connor Biology; Applied Mathematics BK
Benjamin Aaron Orlin Psychology BR
Christina Park Economics SY
Nicholas Maximilian Pierson History DC
Samuel James Post Physics TD
Robert Jacob Quigley English SY
Mitchell Reich Political Science PC
Nathaniel Jacob Roth Physics PC
Roshan Vijay Sethi Biology TC
Paul Moravitz Sherrill Music CC
Brooks Tucker Swett History SY
W. Stuart Symington VI East Asian Studies (Japan) PC
Constantin Nicolae Takacs Biology SM
Matthew Stephen Tjajadi Biology SM
Madeleine Richards Udell Mathematics & Physics JE
Robin Lisa Wagner Biomedical Engineering BR
Meredith Louise Williams French SM
Benjamin Samuel Zweifach English SM

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Class of 2008

Second Election of the Class of 2008
Name Major College
David Mark Alexander Engineering Science-Mechanical PC
Paul Jameson Ambler  Economics & Mathematics ES
Samantha Leigh Amodeo Linguistics CC
Marc Spencer Appel History; Classical Civilization ES
Mackenzie Capshaw Asel Biology TD
Clare Felicity Barron Theater Studies ES
Gabriel Humphrey Billings Physics DC
Katherine Elizabeth Booth English BR
Alexander Marzo Borinsky Humanities SY
Neil V. Chheda Political Science TD
Eric Anthony Ciaramella Russian & East European Studies TC
Agnes Etheldreda Coakley Music SY
Kathryn Elizabeth Connery Biology CC
Jordan Stuart Corwin Philosophy BK
Eytan Magen Debbi Biology BR
Yang-Yang Ding Biology ES
Wen Fan MB&B BR
Rachel Beth Geronemus Biology CC
Bradford Stuart Hargreaves Biology; Economics TC
Ann Hays Heller History CC
Samantha Rose Hennessey Psychology MC
Lenora Ann Higginbotham Biology SM
Edmund Ramsay Hirschfeld English PC
Emily Jane Holleman Sociology PC
Hansun Hsiung Sociology ES
Sarah Ching-Lan Hsu MB&B PC
Julia Huang Anthropology  JE
Sean Edward Jackowitz Russian & East European Studies TC
Haitham Jendoubi Cognitive Science TD
Brian Lee Ju Biology JE
Margaret Murphy Kearney  English JE
Sarah Emily Kellner Psychology JE
Ross Kennedy-Shaffer Physics ES
Tae-Yeoun Keum Humanities ES
Sung Hoon Kim Economics CC
Alan Robert Kimball  History BK
Elizabeth Ashley Koenig English JE
Lazar Krstic EP&E; Mathematics TC
Jennifer Elaine Laaser Chemistry DC
Matthew Stephen Lee EP&E JE
Gregory Ullman Lipstein Economics TC
Elizabeth Noble Madva Cognitive Science TD
Derin Bennet McLeod  Classics (Greek & Latin) BR
James Randolph McSpadden German Studies; Humanities SY
Michael Jason Nedelman Film Studies TC
Khang Duy Nguyen  MB&B CC
Neal Shikshit Parikh Biology BR
Kunal Bharat Patel Economics BR
Freya Elizabeth Pitts  History CC
Halley Keppo Potter Religious Studies PC
John Vincent Ricotta  Economics JE
Michael Reed Schmidt History CC
Jonathan Joseph Schwank Biology DC
Aliza Suzanna Shvarts English; Art DC
Sabrina Curie Snell Anthropology BR
Mary Caswell Stoddard Biology MC
Rebecca Yale Taft Physics SY
Michael C. Vespe Mathematics SM
Austin Waarich Woerner East Asian Studies (China)  SY
Misty Nicole Wright  Psychology MC
Jing Xia Mathematics; Economics DC
Yian Xiao MB&B MC
Ying Xiao Computer Science & Mathematics BK
Sarah Xiaolai Yin Economics; Architecture DC
Michael Shengda Yu Economics & Mathematics ES
Jianming Zhang Chemical Engineering  SY
Xiaoxue Zhao  Political Science; Economics MC
Micah Samuel Ziegler Chemistry PC

Third Election of the Class of 2008
Name Major College
Jason Matthew Blau EP&E MC
Alicia A. Breakey Anthropology  BK
Molly Sheera Brett  American Studies MC
Kristen-Elise Frances Brooks Political Science BK
Emily Marie Bucholz Biology ES
Cari Elizabeth Carson  Political Science SY
Dustin Gary Cho Political Science SY
Jonathan Stern Connolly Literature; Art BR
Paul Maitland Dean  Sociology PC
David William DeCarlo Economics SY
Matthew Nicholas Desalvo Mathematics BR
Michael Robert Dziuban Political Science JE
Adam Isaac Edelstein Chemical Engineering  TD
Maura Small Fitzgerald History PC
Haley Anne Fox Art PC
Derek Tadashi Fujio Music TC
Jason Skylar George  MB&B BR
Jed W. Glickstein History ES
Sarah Winslow Holdren Theater Studies SM
Jason Eric Karl EP&E TD
Jee Hye Kim  Political Science BR
Joseph Michael Larese Physics JE
Jonathan Lask Economics SY
Andrew Michael Levine Mathematics BR
Katherine Lauren Linzer History PC
Tina Yu Liu  MB&B MC
Stephanie Klein Lynch Biology JE
Tanya Marie Marton MB&B; Cognitive Science SY
Aaron F. Meng MB&B; Biomedical Engineering  MC
Chanatip Metheetrairut MB&B ES
Diana Joanne Mosca Psychology ES
Daniel Joachim Nichanian Political Science; Philosophy BR
Aaron Gollub Nissen MB&B TD
Samuel Craig Oates  Electrical Engineering; Computer Science DC
Nedgine Paul History SY
Jillian Nicole Pennington Biology ES
Aaron Michael Ring MB&B BR
Adam Zachary Scharfman Chinese BR
Diana Schawlowski Literature CC
Nathaniel Morris Segal History of Science, History of Medicine; ER&M BR
Samuel Dennis Slavin Humanities TC
Andrew R. Smith Computer Science JE
Robert Edmund Szykowny History DC
Shenqing Tang Economics & Mathematics & Psychology SM
Glenn Robert Thrope Political Science; Computer Science JE
Cari Ellen Tuna Political Science SM
Lorraine Alofa Van Kirk Philosophy TC
Daniel M. Weiner Political Science ES
Aaron Tyler Wild MB&B SM
Sarah Rachel Winters  Anthropology TD
Hang Xu Economics SM
Danny Xiao Dan Yang MB&B BR
Grace June-Ting Young Psychology BR

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Class of 2007

Second Election of the Class of 2007
Name Major College
Shelton Lawrence Abramson Psychology SY
Matthew Michael Adams Physics ES
Jonathan Adam Bressler History SM
Stephen Clifford Chapin Chemical Engineering ES
Usha Bala Chilukuri History MC
Nicholas Junkai Chong Music DC
Celia Ruth Choy Philosophy BR
Luciano Custo-Greig Biology TD
Melissa Haley Doerken History of Art BR
Kristin L. Dunham Political Science PC
Anastasia Martine Eccles English MC
Santiago Chehani A. Ekaratne Political Science JE
Amanda Beth Elbogen Political Science CC
Avi Feller Political Science MC
Arpit Kumar Garg Philosophy; Economics JE
Ruoting Gong MB&B; Applied Mathematics JE
Joshua Charles Goodstein Cognitive Science PC
Claire Danielle Halpert Linguistics PC
Seunghee Ham EP&E SY
Stephanie Allsop Hanson MB&B MC
Victoria VanDow Holowink English TD
Kashif Ali Jafri Philosophy; Classical Civilization SY
Genevieve Elise Kahr Chinese JE
Abigail Ashton Keene-Babcock Political Science JE
Cara Marie Kiernan History of Science, History of Medicine TC
Nathan Lee Kilbert Political Science SM
Mina Mugil Kimes English DC
Ashley Rene Kochanek Biology CC
Beth Fruma Kochin Applied Mathematics ES
Christopher Myron Lapinig Linguistics; ER&M CC
Erica MArie Larsen Archaeological Studies DC
Janelle Christine Laudone Biology JE
Shin Rong Lee Electrical Engineering SM
Anna Lvovsky Literature BR
Ahmed Ali Makani Economics & Mathematics TC
Christine Joy Mathias History BR
Martha Kang McGill History of Art MC
Jessica Eve Nachman History SM
Lila Rak Neugebauer English PC
Daniel Edmund Newburger MB&B SY
Hrvoje Ostric EP&E; International Studies ES
William Collins Perdue EP&E MC
Justin M. Presant EP&E; Chemistry TD
Phoebe Robeson Rounds Anthropology; Music SM
Daniel Adam Rubin Mathematics; Physics ES
Betsy Rose Scherzer Environmental Engineering SY
Jared William Schwede Physics TC
Maya Uma Shankar Cognitive Science CC
Stephanie Melissa Smith Biology BK
Tejaswinhi A. Srinivas Political Science PC
Xiaowei William Su Biology CC
Douglas Stuart Swanson Physics MC
Peter Goodings Swartz Engineering Science-Environmental; International Studies BK
Andrew Yu-Chiang Tang Economics SY
Brian Michael Trantow Chemistry DC
Rebecca Maria Voorhees MB&B MC
Grayson Sang Walker Economics; Political Science TC
Alexander Lindley White Cognitive Science JE
Joycelyn Yik Economics SM
Jonathan Charles Zweig History JE
Third Election of the Class of 2007
Name Major College
Nicole Leigh Aaronson Political Science ES
Alexander Raisa Adler Biology DC
Joshua Lee Boehm History; Political Science TD
Rachel Kirschenmann Bradshaw English CC
Li Cai Economics; Biomedical Engineering TC
Clare Coghill Cameron Anthropology SY
Brenden Marino Carbonell EP&E  BK
Won B. Chai Economics  CC
Jocelyn Joan K. T. Courtney History  SM
Nicole Angela Cretacci Political Science JE
Anastatia Malloy Curley English SM
Nathaniel Roland Dean Mathematics  CC
Sara Giles Douglas English BK
Emily V. Eames Chemistry JE
Eve Rebekah Fine History SM
Alison Ellis Frick History DC
Gillian B. Gillers History SY
Lisa Renée Halbsgut Cognitive Science CC
Mark Leonid Hanin History  SM
Tubkwan Homchampa Economics MC
Caroline Louise Howe Environmental Engineering;  Mechanical Engineering SY
Yesol Huh Economics & Mathematics SM
Veronica Wai Yin Ip English MC
Gordon Jenkins Literature JE
Elizabeth Diane Johnson Linguistics BK
Katherine M. Johnson  Biomedical Engineering BR
Chloe Hamity Kolman Anthropology SM
Guyon Earle Krug Economics TD
Konstantin Yefimovich Lantsman Political Science SM
Mary Elizabeth Leytes Political Science JE
Sarah Beth Lieber Anthropology  BK
Erin Chi-yu Lin Environmental Studies; International Studies  SY
James Robert Martin  Philosophy SM
Kathryn Mary Mathis  English BR
Jonathan Thomas Menitove Political Science ES
Yifei Mu Archaeological Studies JE
Christian Hart Nakarado Architecture SM
Daniel Alexander Naughton EP&E  JE
Sonja Gammeltoft Ostrow History ES
Allison Dee Pickens  EP&E  TC
Emily Blythe Pitler Computer Science TD
Karen Michelle Porter  History; International Studies ES
Marcel Teodor Przymusinski Economics & Mathematics SM
Elizabeth York Rawson Cognitive Science BK
Annette C. Roberts  Psychology; German BR
Daniel Edward Rosenfeld Chemistry ES
Daniel Harrison Ross History JE
Eric Sandberg-Zakian History ES
Eli Banks Schachar Economics CC
Rachel Barbara Schechter Classical Civilization; Economics  DC
Lydia Lee Shook History of Art  SM
Cynthia Mun-Mei So  Latin American Studies TD
Michael Bernard Stone Economics SY
Santiago Suarez Political Science  BR
Nisha Satish Tamhankar Biology SY
Gregory Massey Thaler Political Science JE
Daniel Robert Thies History BR
David Cong Tian Biology CC
Ruth Bushnell Toner  Physics  ES
Kimberly Renee Trent  Applied Physics CC
Vadim Gregory Tsipenyuk Biomedical Engineering; Economics BK
Sherry Siyuan Wang  Economics & Mathematics  SY
Yul Wonjun Yang  MB&B MC

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Class of 2006

Second Election of the Class of 2006
Name Major College
Lauren C. Abendshien Chemistry TD
Jennifer Lynn Barnes Cognitive Science ES
Isadora C. Botwinick Anthropology JE
Patricia Ann Breech Linguistics BR
Michael Jorge Bustamante History ES
Tiffany Alexandra Clay History SY
Courtney Marie Cox EP&E ES
Carl D’Apolito-Dworkin Architecture TD
Swati Devendra Deshmukh MB&B PC
Caroline Campbell Edsall History PC
Ayalon Bezalel Eliach Religious Studies TC
Rebekah Hannah Emanuel EP&E ES
Peter Scott Fishman History DC
Elizabeth Ellen France Political Science ES
Rory Alexander Gillis EPE BK
Martin Hemenway Glazier Mathematics & Philosophy BR
Ashley Marie Gorski History BR
Vardit Haimi-Cohen Linguistics TD
Amy Lee Hart Psychology ES
Marta Debra Herschkopf Religious Studies CC
Robert Alexander Hetherington Economics; Computer Science ES
Adam Maxwell Jenkins Philosophy MC
Noah Sylvan Kalman Mechanical Engineering PC
Andrew McLain Kau History; English BK
Jeremy King Kessler Literature TC
Chloe Susan L. Kitzinger Philosophy MC
Rachel Tess Korobkin Art CC
Chad Jeffrey Kritzberger Biology PC
James David Lee History of Art JE
Ryan Brent Levine Economics BR
Rebecca Jeannette Levy Psychology TD
Eric Masamune Liu Economics ES
Iris H. Ma Psychology TD
Eleanor Livingston Marshall MB&B ES
Matthew Mason McCarty History of Art ES
Alexander James Millman East Asian Studies (China) CC
Jose Luis Minan Psychology BK
Alexander Joseph Nemser EP&E SY
Julia H. Pudlin History PC
Alexander Eells Reicher Literature MC
Semih Salihoglu Computer Science; Economics SM
Lisa Bailey Schilling Literature SM
Thomas Payne Schmidt Classics (Greek) TC
Todd William Schneider Applied Mathematics CC
Michael D. Schoell Economics SM
Steven Feeruz Shadman Economics SM
Jonathan Lee Sherman-Presser English SY
Christopher James Sinay Latin American Studies PC
Sarah Scott Stillman Anthropology PC
Maria Taroutina Humanities DC
Kanishk Vishokan Bharat Tharoor Literature; History DC
Dmitry Alexander Toubolets Economics MC
Guadalupe Gil Villarreal Biology BR
Marc Vimolratana Chemistry SY
Jingya Wang Biology SM
Lucas George Wood Humanities PC
Florence Jeniffer Wu Psychology CC
Third Election of the Class of 2006
Name Major College
Christina Maria Agapakis Biology TC
Ifeanyi Ugochukwu Anidi Biology BK
Brian Wesley Barnes EP&E BR
Ashley Tripp Bell Italian; International Studies SM
Miriam Anna Bowring Chemistry MC
Savina S. Boyadjieva-Mackedonski Political Science TD
Timothy David Brandt Physics; Mathematics TC
Erik Marten Brown Physics TC
Andrew Newman Cedar Political Science ES
Sercan Celebi Economics; International Studies MC
Joe Po-Chou Chen Physics MC
Jessie Cheng Economics DC
Emily Carson Coates English JE
Marissa Heather Cohler Psychology TC
Zoe B. Cullen Economics PC
Christopher Michael Dalton Biology TD
Cody Noel Dashiell-Earp Anthropology MC
Jason Michael Davis Political Science; Economics JE
Lauren Rae David African American Studies SY
Rebecca Annabel Doggett Psychology; Music DC
Diana Alix Dosik History of Science, History of Medicine PC
Annie Yee Fang History of Science, History of Medicine; Biology SM
Jessica Fei Literature TC
Jessica Kate Feinstein Humanities CC
Jose Rodrigo Fuentes Electrical Engineering CC
David Jason Gershkoff Physics; International Studies BR
Stephen Nathaniel Gikow Italian TC
Justin D. Goff English ES
Joshua Bahn Greenberg Psychology TD
Julia Mary Haag English TC
Nathan Matthew Herring Psychology TD
Stephen M. Hopkins Music ES
Camilla Jane Chia-Hwei Hsu Literature BK
Patrick Emile Huguenin English; Theatre Studies DC
Alnawaz Jiwa Political Science PC
Nadia Chihiro Kanagawa History PC
Catharine Roehrig Kaufmann Literature TC
Jeremy Alexander Kutner Political Science BR
David Ethan Leiberman Cognitive Science PC
Daniel Benjamin Levin Becker English; French BR
Virginie Marier History JE
Joanna Hochberg Mattis Biology PC
Greta Nicole Matzner-Gore Russian and East European Studies DC
Jane Marie Metcalf History ES
Warren Min Economics & Mathematics JE
Cory Aaron Needle Political Science; International Studies DC
Pascal Jose Noel Economics; EP&E TD
Julia Drummond Novitch History SY
Andrew Samuel Paster Mechanical Engineering SM
Ariel Elizabeth Phillips History of Art TC
Adam Michael Presser Chinese SY
Catherine Aloi Rivkin History TD
Apinya Ruangthaveekoon Applied Mathematics; Economics TD
Randall Joel Rubinstein Engineering Science-Environmental PC
Robert M. Samstein Biomedical Engineering; Economics SM
Matthew Nicholas Schneier Literature MC
Clement Cheuk Man So Music SM
Nicholas Spitzman Literature TC
Andrew Willian Dragon Stout Mathematics TC
Quah Trinh Political Science MC
Keith Maximilian Urbahn Religious Studies SY
Caroline Sage Van Zile English; Theatre Studies BK
Laura Elizabeth Warren History of Science, History of Medicine BR
Jie Weng Economics CC

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Class of 2005

Second Election of the Class of 2005
Name Major College
Sara Abigail Aronchick EP&E SY
Matthew James Barbabella EP&E SM
Adam Edward Bloniarz Mathematics; Music CC
Jacob B. Brogan Religious Studies CC
Miriam Galadriel Clinton Archaelogical Studies; Classical Civilization CC
Laura Rebecca Cole Economics JE
Alicyn Leigh Cooley English; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations ES
Samuel Henry Crayton Chemistry; Classics (Latin) BK
Clayton Roger Critcher Psychology DC
Elizabeth Ann Darbie Computer Science & Psychology ES
Wei Deng Economics DC
Gregory Arthur Edwards Computer Science; Theater Studies JE
Daniel Aaron Effron Psychology DC
Genevieve Jie-Ying Essig Psychology MC
Lydia W.S. Finley Biology PC
Jon Bernhard Fougner Economics SY
Margaret Orr Fox History JE
Gabriel Jae Greenberg Art MC
Yulia Vsevolodovna Gurevich Physics TD
Daniel Arce Hammond English PC
Henry John Hancock History SM
Jessica Jing He EP&E BR
Sulmaan Wasif Khan History PC
Sara Diane Koenig MB&B SM
Andrew Jay Korn Economics BR
Kyrill Mikhailovic Kunakhovich History SY
Juliet Marie Lapidos Literature DC
Andrew Stephen Lee East Asian Studies; Biology TC
Thomas Yao-Yu Lee Psychology BK
Jonathan Aaron Lehrer Mathematics PC
Samuel Gideon Levy MB&B DC
Bradley Scott Lipton EP&E BR
Caroline Dao Lopez English; Political Science CC
Becky Ying Lu Music; Political Science TD
Erica Sterling Machlin Biology SY
Andrea Kohn Maikovich Psychology MC
Henry-Gordon Masters Art SY
Jarod Patrick McAteer Biology MC
Alissa Danielle Mohammed Psychology JE
Anahid Jennifer Nersessian English MC
Amar Satish Patel Biology SM
Kristen Faye Pring-Mill Theater Studies MC
Jack Wenjie Qian Economics & Mathematics SY
Brian Eston Rodkey East Asian Studies; Political Science DC
Jeffrey Brett Shackelton MB&B CC
Nicholas Tuck Shalek Economics TD
Ajay Bipin Shalwala Chemical Engineering TD
Daniel Edward St Jean English BR
Catherine Taylor Stewart English JE
Allison Nicole Stielau English BR
Catherine Elizabeth Sweetser Political Science TD
Aaron Yen Tang Political Science CC
Alexander R. Temple Music JE
Anh Dong Truong Chemistry CC
Jason Philip Van Batavia MB&B ES
Lucy Han Wang Physics & Philosophy CC
Catherine Anne Wassenaar MB&B TC
Martin Jacob Wolff Biology MC
Jian Yuan Computer Science; Economics & Mathematics ES
Third Election of the Class of 2005
Name Major College
Una Au History; International Studies BK
Justine Ming Yi Aw Cognitive Science MC
Michael Lawrence Barnett MB&B SY
Bhart-Anjan Singh Bhullar Biology TD
Matthew Halle Bloom History CC
Emily Louise Breza Economics & Mathematics; French MC
James Phillips Campbell Mathematics & Philosophy TC
Rebecca Koren Catapano-Friedman MB&B SY
Sarah Chang Literature; ER&M PC
Athena Ngai Wan Cheng Psychology SY
Andrew Sangmin Chi Biology ES
Daniel William Clemens Political Science TD
Colin Graham Dawson Cognitive Science JE
Lily Elan Diamond Theater Studies MC
Elizabeth Margaret Dietrich EP&E BK
Jason Scott Farago History of Art SM
Emily Elizabeth Fenner Political Science; International Studies TD
Laura Elisabeth Gary Theater Studies SY
Jay Elliot Goldklang Political Science PC
Zoe Swicord Kazan Theater Studies ES
Hye-Jin Jennifer Kim History of Art BK
Tatiana J. Klacsmann Classics (Greek); Art PC
Benjamin Henry Krinsky Biology CC
Teresa Okyong Kwon Economics JE
Pablo Landro Anthropology BK
Noelle Marie Layer History of Science, History of Medicine CC
Haninah Zephaniah Peretz Levine Physics BK
Erina Lie Applied Mathematics DC
Ashley Ridgway Lynn African Studies SY
Keerthi Shyam Sampath Madapusi Mathematics DC
Lindsey Meredith Mergener EP&E TD
Lucas Ligon Mills American Studies JE
Marina Mitkova Miteva Psychology BK
Eric Nou Biology CC
Andrew John O’Connor Political Science MC
Margaret Maria Olszewski History of Science, History of Medicine PC
Katherine A. Poltorak Literature PC
Alexandra Exton Reeve History ES
Helen Betya Rubinstein Literature JE
David Aaron Schoenfeld Biology JE
Jessica Alison Scholes Russian and East European Studies PC
Joshua Adam Schwartz Economics BK
Janum Sethi Philosophy SM
Steven Benjamin Siger Political Science CC
Gene Michael Smilansky Economics; International Studies SY
Katherine Kirby Smith English ES
Mirtcho Panteleev Spassov Computer Science; Economics SM
Gisa Anna Springer History PC
Annika Marie Swanson Economics JE
Sarah Faith Taber Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations DC
Samuel Stevenson Taylor Economics SY
Robert Francis Trudel Economics; Political Science TC
Susan Truong Biology SM
Jessie Lauren Wiener English ES
Elizabeth Corrie Wilcox English DC
Elizabeth Wood Claytor Wilkins EP&E SM
Matthew Colin Wilson Economics & Mathematics JE
Waenyod Wongtrangan Economics; Biomedical Engineering TD
James J.T. Wu Economics DC
Damaris Deryu Yeh Biology SY
Grace Hua-Hsiang Yen Psychology SM
Taisu Zhang History; Mathematics TD
Megan Elizabeth Zlatos Spanish DC

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Class of 2004

Second Election of the Class of 2004
Name Major College
Badr Faisal Albanna Mathematics & Physics PC
Samuel Edward Asher EP&E JE
Daniel Patrick Barrett English SY
Michael Paul Berkley Economics PC
Timothy Michael Bliss History; Economics SY
Jonathan Williams Boschetto Music TD
Cindy I-Hsin Chen Music DC
Livia Karlson DeMarchis Environmental Studies CC
Beth Gillian Dolinsky Biology SY
Jessica Joyce Duan Economics ES
Aaron Jeffrey Feigenbaum French CC
Laura Ellen Finkelstein Psychology BK
Joshua Peter Safran Foer Biology TC
Kara Dorothea Gaetke MCDB SY
Joshua Ryan Goodbaum History BR
Matthew Blake Greenblatt MB&B PC
Vishal Gupta Mathematics & Philosophy TD
Kate Elizabeth Heinzelman EP&E DC
Maeve Elizabeth Herbert  History DC
Dinah Neumark Herlands Political Science SM
Cassie You-wei Hsu Economics MC
Rebecca Katherine Hunter English JE
Chetan Jindal Computer Science; Economics MC
Lauren Elizabeth Johns Psychology ES
Benita Nicole Jones Political Science TC
Elizabeth Anne Kelly Music TC
Douglas Yeon Kim History MC
Timothy Gerard Kleiman Psychology SY
Marisa Knox English SY
Kristin Elizabeth Kovner English MC
Taylor Philip Larson EP&E BK
Gregory Benedict LeDonne Political Science; History CC
Mark N. Lee MB&B CC
Jocelyn Ruth Lippert Latin American Studies TD
Charles Evans Lockwood Architecture TC
Charlin Chia-Ning Lu Computer Science JE
Joshua Paul Lucas History CC
Zhenxiu Mao Mathematics JE
Elizabeth Hughes Meriwether English; Theater Studies TC
Mahbod Moghadam History CC
Jeffrey P. Mueller Political Science PC
Lauren Christina Ng Psychology BR
Matthrew Christopher Pawlowicz Archaeological Studies PC
Alyssa Danielle Pheobus Art ES
Kirsti Keppo Potter American Studies PC
Sophie Irene Raseman English SM
Tamar Judith Rudnick Psychology TC
Jeffrey Eric Sandberg History DC
Jonah Benjamin Schulhofer-Wohl Political Science TC
Carey Blackshear Seal Classics (Greek & Latin) SM
Rachel Faith Serlen Literature BK
Adam B. Taubman Psychology DC
Irina Vasilchenko Literature PC
Sonia Ann von Gutfeld History of Art JE
Eric Gordon Weese Economics & Mathematics BK
Christopher Wentworth Wells History SY
Third Election of the Class of 2004
Name Major College
Elizabeth Brooks Bacon Architecture TD
Rebecca Ellen Baneman History SY
Elyssa Berg Psychology JE
Pamela Jo Boykoff History BR
Kevin Peter Brower Chemical Engineering MC
Adrien Yuan Burch Economics; MCDB DC
Sarah Lucile Burns American Studies PC
Jason Jae Choi MCDB ES
Omar Theodore Christidis EP&E MC
Jack Frank Dafoe English MC
Michael Lee Dawson EP&E MC
Rebecca Michelle Dickens Art ES
Edwin Henry Dietrich EP&E MC
Ceara Gaylord Donnelley History PC
Benjamin Garlock Edmunds Spanish JE
Katherine Cranston Epstein History SY
Stanislav Fedorenko Economics PC
Kristen Mary George Economics SM
Sarah Alta Olivia Gray History MC
Jill Hampton Haberkern African Studies DC
Roger Sai-kit Ho MB&B SY
Robert Perry Hollowell MCDB TC
Steven Hsu MCDB ES
Collin Edward Jackson Computer Science; Mathematics & Philosophy DC
Peter Olof Jarnebrant Economics CC
Sean Nathan Kass History SM
Jane Christina Kim MCDB ES
Julia Diane Kripke History SY
Roger Sien Kuo Economics & Mathematics; Computer Science TD
Robin Yan Fai Kwong EP&E; Philosophy MC
Vanessa Wei Lawrence History TC
Kerrie Elizabeth Lenhart Political Science SY
David Ross Lerman Computer Science & Psychology PC
Nicole Emilie Lim Psychology BK
Ryan Robert McClendon Engineering Science (Mechanical); Economics TD
Nicola Su-Yin Mok Economics ES
Caroline Maxine Nathan History; International Studies SY
Michael George Neiss Engineering Science (Electrical); Economics SM
Alexis Ivy Ortiz Political Science; Latin American Studies PC
Sophie C. Pinkham English JE
Megan Livingston Pugh American Studies CC
Alexander William Rives MCDB; Philosophy TC
Andrew Corbin Roach EP&E DC
Avram L. Robinson-Mosher Computer Science; Physics DC
Luke Morgan Rona English CC
David Andrew Russcol Political Science MC
Alison Brooke Schary English BK
Sarah Anne Sherblom EP&E TC
Kartik Katepalli Sreenivasan Psychology SM
Archana Sridhar History SM
Kathryn John Stergiopoulos Psychology; Literature SY
Angela Marian Strom-Weber Linguistics CC
Jessica Yumiko Suzuki American Studies; Japanese SY
Donald Alexander Thompson Literature TC
Jennifer Joan Thompson History; Theater Studies BR
Ka Kin Tsang Mathematics; Economics BR
Jonathan Warren Waks Physics DC
Nils-Bertil Wallin Philosophy TD
Betsy Chi-Fong Wang Psychology ES
Chandana P. Wanigasekera Computer Science TC
Emily Regan Wills Political Science; Women’s and Gender Studies TC
Adam Paul Wolf Computer Science DC
Eugene Sun Yim MCDB; Psychology BK
Evangeline A. Zimmerman English; Theater Studies ES

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Second Election of 2024