Junior Inductees

First Election of the Class of 2026

Name Major College
Meenakshi Ambati Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TR
Audrey Gerarda Aslani-Far Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Russian GH
Cian Yixiang Baldwin Applied Mathematics GH
Oliver Simon Britton Chemistry (Int.) DC
Eve Chazan Cohen Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Peyton Sophia Crevasse Computer Science & Mathematics BF
Jeb Cui Computer Science; Physics (Int.) SM
Evan Masterson Daneker History JE
John Morton Dedyo Applied Mathematics TD
Kaya Holly Dierks English SY
Zara Meg Escobar Ethnicity, Race & Migration MY
Mia Lye Gawith Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology GH
Samad Salim Hakani Political Science DC
Leander Jialin He Linguistics; East Asian Languages & Lits TC
Emmet Houghton Computer Science & Mathematics; Economics MY
Justin Nobuyoshi Hsieh English SM
Youssef Hossameldin Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim Neuroscience; Economics ES
Lillian Rakas Jackson Archaeological Studies MC
Aditya Kabra Statistics and Data Science; Economics & Mathematics TC
Colin Jibin Kim Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Ethnicity, Race & Migration BF
Roy Kohavi Political Science SY
Archit Kumar Computer Science SM
Inyoung Lee Economics & Mathematics Pierson College
Sean Y. Lee Computer Science; Statistics and Data Science PC
Macy Tilles Lerner History BF
Sean Liu Neuroscience; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology GH
Kaley Alexandra Mafong Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology DC
Andrew Pan Mathematics SM
Madeleine Yelen Popofsky Chemistry (Int.) MY
Andrea Li Rix Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Benjamin Robert Rosenthal History MC
Rishi Mehulkumar Shah Applied Mathematics; Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BK
Agnes Christina Sjoeblad Humanities; Political Science BR
Karinne Tennenbaum Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SY
Noah Tirschwell History SY
Lasse Heinrich van den Berg Cognitive Science MY
Arjun Jai Verma Applied Mathematics PC
Benjamin Wenlong Xu Computer Science BF
Daniel Zhang Classics BR
Daniel Joseph Zhang Statistics and Data Science; Statistics TD

First Election of the Class of 2025

Name Major College
Devina Aggarwal Economics JE
Nathan Robert Apfel Mathematics & Physics PC
Henry Plaut Berger Engineering Science-Mechanical, Computer Science JE
Sadie Loraine Bograd Urban Studies DC
Parker Ikaika Chang Environmental Studies TC
Booyeon Choi Computer Science BF
Sophie Gabrielle Dauerman Ecology & Evolutionary Biology BK
Grace Ellis American Studies BF
Simone Herko Felton History DC
Logan Elise George Economics SY
Evan Drew Gorelick English, Economics TD
Anne Kathryn Whooley Gross Comparative Literature, Philosophy TC
Anshul Guha Mathematics (Int.), Economics DC
Hannah Han Humanities GH
Ruobin Han Physics (Int.) PC
Oliver Huston Classics TC
Elias Worrall Hyde English DC
Ryan Thomas Jin Computer Science PM
Talia Elena Rodriguez Kolodkin Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology TC
Julian Locke Lee Computer Science SM
Ethan Cole Levinbook French GH
Victoria Rose Liando Economics ES
Jessica Liu Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Tsach C Mackey Chemistry GH
Ojas M Mehta Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci SY
Ana Maria Melián Astrophysics TC
Daniel Alexander Mendoza Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int.) BR
Taimur Moolji Computer Science SY
Zachary Andrew Moynihan Neuroscience BR
Reese Jacobs Neal Computing and the Arts TC
Jonah Harmon Newman Mathematics MC
Andrei Alexandru Parfeni Mathematics(Int.) DC
Isabel Grace Prioleau Political Science DC
Sarah Eleanor Shapiro American Studies PM
Erin Brooke Sommers History Science, Medicine & PH BF
Derek Chengqian Song Molecular Biophysics & Biochem PC
Edward Albert Tawil Ethics,Politics & Economics SY
Whitney Blue Toutenhoofd Art, Humanities TC
Elder Giovanny Veliz Statistics and Data Science BK
Alan Tianyi Xu Computer Science & Econ DC
Maxim Serge Yaskolko Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int.) BK
Alexander Ye Applied Mathematics TD
Aaron Minkey Yu Computer Science, Applied Mathematics MC
Joseph Han Zhang Computer Science & Econ BR
Yingshan Zhao Economics, Philosophy PM

First Election of the Class of 2024

Name Major College
Alyssa Kamlesh Agarwal Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BK
Alicia Michele Alonso Political Science; History Science, Medicine & PH SM
Mary Ben Lee Apatoff Engineering Sci-Environmental ES
Xavier Sebastian Blackwell-Lipkind Comparative Literature DC
Emma Bucaj Economics BC
Georgia deBondelis Bynum English PC
Charles Chen Chemical Engineering TC
Benjamin Anthony Cifu Computer Science ES
Srikrishna Chaitanya Dasari Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) PC
Ashley Duraiswamy English TC
Bill Feng Computer Science TD
Albert Gang Chemistry GH
Finn McKim Gibson Mathematics & Physics BK
Andrew B Kornfeld American Studies BF
Eliza Rose Kravitz History MC
Sylvan Aviva Lebrun Comparative Literature MY
Se Ri Lee History of Art MC
Miguel López Rivera Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PM
Leon Jaden Lufkin Statistics and Data Science TD
Luis Alberto Mendoza Perez Computer Science ES
Andrew Ian Milas Computer Science GH
Shira Devorah Minsk History PM
Katherine Soyoon Moon Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, History Science, Medicine & PH GH
Sheikh Nahiyan Molecular Biophysics & Biochem PC
Andy Noah Nilipour Astrophysics ES
Flora Bettina Ranis Ethnicity, Race & Migration GH
Juan Ernesto Recoaro Physics (Int.) BF
Ariana Giulia Katz Reichler Cognitive Science TC
Pradyumna Sanjay Sapre Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BF
Thomas Blake Sottosanti Computer Science & Mathematics     Statistics and Data Science PC
Samuel Weissman Statistics and Data Science TC
Alette Joan Wells Mathematics TD
Brendan Connor Wilkowski Engineering Science-Mechanical TC
Iris M. Yang Computing and the Arts          Statistics and Data Science TD
Raymond Yang Computer Science BC
Max Yi Yuan Computer Science & Econ TD

First Election of the Class of 2023

Name Major College
Peyton Adele Aiken Sociology DC
Jacob Thomas Alvarado Economics BF
James L Cross Neuroscience; Statistics and Data Science SM
Aaron J Dickstein Statistics and Data Science SY
Samira Sophie Glaeser-Khan Neuroscience BR
Sydney Dorothy Gray Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology MC
Sophie Motta Huttner Global Affairs SM
Isabel Lucienne Kirsch Anthropology PC
Rosa A Kleinman Economics & Mathematics BF
Veronica Mimi Lee Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) BR
Emma Lilly Levin Applied Mathematics BF
Rebecca Yinbei Li Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Kexin Meng Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC
Jennie Lynn Miller Statistics and Data Science DC
Matthew Byung Hyun Nam Computer Science & Econ DC
Hillary Ha Nguyen Neuroscience MC
Nga Nhi Nguyen Computer Science TC
Grace Margaret Parmer Engineering Science-Electrical PC
Jackson C Pullman Statistics and Data Science DC
Adin Lion Ring Environmental Studies SY
Daniel Ryan Sheinberg Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BR
Kapp Samuel Singer Architecture GH
Shayaan Syed Subzwari Physics (Int.); Global Affairs SM
Derek Azan Tsang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem BF
Kevin Yunan Xiao Political Science MY
Adam Ming Zhang Psychology PC

First Election of the Class of 2022

Name Major College
Franklin Hart Bertellotti Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TD
Jocelyn Chau Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Adam David Chen History of Art TD
Alexandra Galls Chemistry (Int.) GH
Rohit Anirudh Giridharan Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci SY
Eamon Scott Goucher Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC
Graham Holt Hardcastle Computer Science SM
Matthew J King Physics (Int.) ES
Gabriel Louis Klapholz History; Global Affairs BR
Steven Siqi Ma Mathematics SM
Fiona Patrice O’Brien Environmental Engineering PC
Mary Elizabeth Orsak Russian PC
Brian Zhiguang Sun Mathematics (Int.) JE
Alden Ming Yang Tan Computer Science & Econ SY
Chelsea Wang Statistics and Data Science SM
Emily Wang Economics & Mathematics MY
Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao Statistics and Data Science BK

First Election of the Class of 2021

Name Major College
Amer Ahmad Al-Hiyasat Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Lincoln Thatcher Berkley Elec. Engineering/Computer Science MY
Justin Hoang Cheong Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology PC
Mark Joseph Gustaferro Economics SM
Claire Lamarre Engineering Science-Chemical TC
Kendra Acadia Libby Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SY
Melissa Lu Statistics and Data Science PC
Anna Grace McClain-Sims Chemistry SM
Jared Brandon Rock Economics PC
Allyson Cate Soong Architecture JE
Anna J Sun Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Eric Yiyang Wang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Alyssa Jisu Yoon Economics DC
Jeffery Zhou Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC

First Election of the Class of 2020

Name Major College
Caroline Grosvenor Borden Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TC
Brennan Peter Carman Molecular Biophysics & Biochem GH
Jasper Blake Feinberg Mechanical Engineering BK
Cynthia Rose Goldman Economics & Mathematics SM
Julia Bliss Greenberg Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Mark Joseph Gustaferro Economics SM
Randall Tyler Kras Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Noah Benjamin Kravitz Mathematics; Near Eastern Languages & Civs GH
Mahima Kumara Statistics and Data Science MY
Veena Muraleetharan Anthropology PC
Yee Tung Nip Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
Yifei Shen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Soledad Ondine Tejada American Studies DC
Benjamin Isaac Waldman Political Science BR
Tiger Zhang Chemistry JE

First Election of the Class of 2019

Name Major College
Dibyatanoy Bhattacharjee Computer Science DC
Matthew Preston Coffin Psychology MC
Christoph Sven Funke Geology & Geophysics ES
Hannah Louise Lawrence Applied Mathematics DC
Michael Zexin Mao Economics PC
Claudia Marcella Mezey Mechanical Engineering TD
Rishi Mirchandani Mathematics MC
Henry Evan Reichard Mathematics & Physics SM
Devyn Christine Rigsby Global Affairs PC
Elizabeth Hale Scheibe Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SY
Rosa Shapiro-Thompson History PC
Julia Yaxin Wei Physics (Int.) SM

First Election of the Class of 2022

Name Major College
Franklin Hart Bertellotti Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TD
Jocelyn Chau Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SM
Adam David Chen History of Art TD
Alexandra Galls Chemistry (Int.) GH
Rohit Anirudh Giridharan Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci SY
Eamon Scott Goucher Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC
Graham Holt Hardcastle Computer Science SM
Matthew J King Physics (Int.) ES
Gabriel Louis Klapholz History; Global Affairs BR
Steven Siqi Ma Mathematics SM
Fiona Patrice O’Brien Environmental Engineering PC
Mary Elizabeth Orsak Russian PC
Brian Zhiguang Sun Mathematics (Int.) JE
Alden Ming Yang Tan Computer Science & Econ SY
Chelsea Wang Statistics and Data Science SM
Emily Wang Economics & Mathematics MY
Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao Statistics and Data Science BK

First Election of the Class of 2021

Name Major College
Amer Ahmad Al-Hiyasat Molecular Biophysics & Biochem MY
Lincoln Thatcher Berkley Elec. Engineering/Computer Science MY
Justin Hoang Cheong Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology PC
Mark Joseph Gustaferro Economics SM
Claire Lamarre Engineering Science-Chemical TC
Kendra Acadia Libby Molecular Biophysics & Biochem SY
Melissa Lu Statistics and Data Science PC
Anna Grace McClain-Sims Chemistry SM
Jared Brandon Rock Economics PC
Allyson Cate Soong Architecture JE
Anna J Sun Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology JE
Eric Yiyang Wang Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology PC
Alyssa Jisu Yoon Economics DC
Jeffery Zhou Molecular Biophysics & Biochem TC

First Election of the Class of 2020

Name Major College
Caroline Grosvenor Borden Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TC
Brennan Peter Carman Molecular Biophysics & Biochem GH
Jasper Blake Feinberg Mechanical Engineering BK
Cynthia Rose Goldman Economics & Mathematics SM
Julia Bliss Greenberg Ethics,Politics & Economics SM
Mark Joseph Gustaferro Economics SM
Randall Tyler Kras Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Noah Benjamin Kravitz Mathematics; Near Eastern Languages & Civs GH
Mahima Kumara Statistics and Data Science MY
Veena Muraleetharan Anthropology PC
Yee Tung Nip Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology ES
Yifei Shen Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology BR
Soledad Ondine Tejada American Studies DC
Benjamin Isaac Waldman Political Science BR
Tiger Zhang Chemistry JE

First Election of the Class of 2019

Name Major College
Dibyatanoy Bhattacharjee Computer Science DC
Matthew Preston Coffin Psychology MC
Christoph Sven Funke Geology & Geophysics ES
Hannah Louise Lawrence Applied Mathematics DC
Michael Zexin Mao Economics PC
Claudia Marcella Mezey Mechanical Engineering TD
Rishi Mirchandani Mathematics MC
Henry Evan Reichard Mathematics & Physics SM
Devyn Christine Rigsby Global Affairs PC
Elizabeth Hale Scheibe Ecology & Evolutionary Biology SY
Rosa Shapiro-Thompson History PC
Julia Yaxin Wei Physics (Int.) SM

First Election of the Class of 2018

Name Major College
Julia Elizabeth Borowski Chemistry (Int.) DC
Thomas James Cusano English TC
Emma Brodfuehrer Hastings History TD
Kevin Zongyi Huang Economics & Mathematics PC
Sergio Daniel Infante History CC
Chentian Jin Molecular, Cellular, DevBio (Int.) CC
Martin Yan Zhi Lim Economics BK
Adam Stanley Lowet Cognitive Science ES
Erika Eleanor Lynn-Green English CC
Nina Mesfin Ethnicity, Race & Migration SM
Alexander Harry Korzenik Posner Ethics, Politics & Economics MC
Katherine Emily Rosenberg Linguistics ES
Benjamin Joseph Sampson Economics PC

First Election of the Class of 2017

Name Major College
Adam Alexander D’Sa English BR
Sophia Claire Eller Physics PC
Mari Kawakatsu Physics SM
Derek Liu Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry TC
Richard Thomas McCoy Linguistics BR
Anna Elizabeth Russo Applied Mathematics BK
Ann Simone Nissenbaum Sarnak History CC
Stanislaw Swidwinski Elec. Engineering/Computer Sci TC
Jedidiah Oliver Thompson Physics (Int.) BK
Zheng Xiang Toh Undeclared JE
Kevin Kaiwen Wang Molecular Biophysics & Biochem ES
Michael Chen Wang Economics JE
Robert Clark Wharton Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) CC

First Election of the Class of 2016

Name Major College
Miguel Gabriel Goncalves Global Affairs; Physics ES
Charles Gunnar Kinzig Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry BK
Jonathan Walter Lam Electrical Engineering and Economics MC
Jared Charles Milfred Ethics, Politics & Economics PC
Susan Michele Rundell Ecology & Evolutionary Biology TD
Megan Kate Stonington Valentine Computing and the Arts MC
Connie Lu Wang Psychology TD
James Paul Woodall Religious Studies TC
Xinwei Yao Computer Science JE
Mengshi Zhang Undeclared JE

First Election of the Class of 2015

Name Major College
Edward Christopher Licaros Dee Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry TC
Dylan Cunningham Greaves Mathematics ES
Michael Garrett Hopkins Computer Science SY
Seth Borton Kolker Ethics, Politics & Economics JE
Jarrell Jun Jie Ng Global Affairs ES
Aunica Lee Steele Electrical Engineering TC
Matthew J. Townsend Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, Int.) DC
Blake Eliot Woodworth Computer Science PC

First Election of the Class of 2014

Name Major College
Michelle Jessica Bayefsky Ethics, Politics & Economics DC
Benjamin David Crosby Religious Studies PC
Marissa Christina Dearing Political Science BK
Jun Luke Foster Ethics, Politics & Economics DC
Geoffrey Tucker Kocher Economics SM
Leah Anne Latterner Cognitive Science CC
Katherine Ruth Lawrence Physics (Int.) ES
Emily Trina Monjaraz Art SY
Inho Mun Ethics, Politics & Economics ES
Felicity Abaegael Orzel Sheehy English JE
Nicole Christine Shibley Physics TC
Margaret Bess Yellen Global Affairs TD
Liang Yu Astronomy & Physics BK


First Election of the Class of 2013

Name Major College
Elizabeth Ann Chrystal French DC
Maria Louise Haras History JE
Micah Alexander Johnson Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry TC
Stephen Worthing Leh Physics JE
Jonathan James Liang Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry ES
Jerome Luo Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry TD
Matthew James Mitcheltree Chemistry (Int.) MC
Sudharshan Mohanram Economics & Mathematics PC
Benjamin Marc Sherman Mathematics CC
Jessica Su Biomedical Engineering SY
Samuel Charles Telzak Ethics,Politics & Economics TD
Christine Michelle Willinger Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry BR
Connie Wu Chemical Engineering TD


First Election of the Class of 2012

Name Major College
Vanessa Marie Baratta Biology PC
Ilan Uri Ben-Meir English BK
Joseph Keller Carlsmith Humanities CC
Jordan Laris Cohen History JE
Max Gabriel Ehrenfreund English DC
Jessica Tian-Lei Hsieh Linguistics JE
Meng JiaYang Economics PC
Michael Hower Jones Economics MC
Sarah Yael Krinsk Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations DC
Jain, Nimit Biomedical Engineering SY
Charlotte Marie Page Chemistry ES
Takuya Sawaoka Psychology MC
Katherine Ismei Zhou Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry SY


First Election of the Class of 2011

Name Major College
Ersilia Marie DeFilippis WG&SS CC
Yoonie Hoh Economics & Mathematics SY
Harrison Alan Korn Cognitive Science SY
Jeremy Alan Balkam Lent Philosophy SY
Tse Yang Lim Biology MC
Harold Michael McNamara EP&E BR
Jack Mu Qian Chemistry SM
Randall William Spock History JE
Gabriella Natalie Tortorello History of Art JE
Emily Anne Waldman Art PC

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First Election of the Class of 2010

Name Major College
Jeremy David Avins Political Science ES
Elias Spungen Bildner History DC
Brendan Eddings Dill Philosophy MC
Ershela Durresi Biology PC
Sameer Gorav Gupta Anthropology CC
Elizabeth Rose Jerison Physics  SM
James Jiang English JE
Alexander Dmitrievich Kazberouk Biology ES
Mihan Robin Lee Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies SY
Michael Fitzgerald Mester Computer Science ES
Scott Thomas Nelson  Economics & Mathematics MC
Susan Elizabeth Scanlon Physics TD

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First Election of the Class of 2009

Name Major College
Jarrad Mattieu Aguirre Biology DC
Adam Michael Bouland Computer Science & Mathematics SM
Jeffrey Michael Geels Political Science SY
Tina Ho Chemistry DC
Neil Manohar Kalwani Biology DC
Joel W. Knopf Cognitive Science BK
Emily Duncan Schofield EP&E BR
Benjamin Scott Solarz Economics JE
Xinchen Wang Economics & Mathematics BK
Monica Jing Wood MB&B CC

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First Election of the Class of 2008

Name Major College
Aaron Takayanagi Barnet Computer Science TC
Emily A. Bala History DC
Joshua David Batson Mathematics DC
Jessica Merriam Bialecki Political Science SM
Benjamin Micah Eidelson EP&E ES
Ashley Anne Fox History and Theatre Studies TC
Sabrina Tugendrajch Howell East Asian Studies (China) and Economics DC
Bennett Harrison Lane MB&B PC
Ryan Hideki Moy MB&B SM
Dimiter Valentinov Ostrev Mathematics and Economics TD
David Casey Shackelton Economics CC
Joshua Seth Sweren Economics & Mathematics  SM
Janice Chun Yee Wong MB&B JE

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First Election of the Class of 2007

Name Major College
Alexander Philipp Apostolopoulos Classics JE
Arvind Bhaskar Engineering Science-Electrical and Economics TD
Sahmik Bhattacharyya MB&B CC
Adam Daniel Clark-Joseph Economics & Mathematics BK
Brendan Matthew Cottington Humanities SY
Elizaveta Freinkman MB&B ES
Samarth Keshava Computer Science & Mathematics TD
Han Liang Lie History SM
Alexander Mohapatra Biology BK
Daniya Ponganutree Psychology CC
Amia Parvathi Srinivasan Philosophy CC
David Eric Weinberg MB&B DC
Daniel Lee Winik EP&E BK

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First Election of the Class of 2006

Name Major College
Joshua Herschel Baraban Chemistry BR
Jennifer Chen History SM
Conroy L. Chow Biology DC
Hannah Elizabeth Collins Biomedical Engineering PC
Rachel Nicole Denison Cognitive Science BR
Marc P. Florman Cognitive Science TD
Joshua Stephen Johnson EP&E ES
Jacob David Leibenluft Economics TD
Jessica Ellen Leight EP&E ES
Chelsea Elisabeth Purvis History ES
Edmond Ka Ho Tin Mathematics and Economics SM
Anthony Zijan Xu Economics and Biology TD

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First Election of the Class of 2005

Name Major College
Gregory Robin Ablavsky History DC
Melody Tung Chan Computer Science & Mathematics SM
Alanna Meredith Hughes Astronomy & Physics SY
Heather Anne Hunt East Asian Studies (China) ES
Ali Kooshkabadi Biology ES
Selena Liao History MC
Dimple Mirpuri Mathematics ES
Stephanie Therese Neely Humanities BK
Shashi Rekha Reddy History DC
Dongju Stella Seo Architecture DC
Courtney Elizabeth Stritar Chemistry SY
Ashley Rose Yeargan History DC

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First Election of the Class of 2004

Name Major College
David Fabricant Anthropology MC
Kenneth Hammond Economics DC
Andrew Klaber Ethics, Politics, & Economics and International Studies TC
Brian Lehmann Mathematics ES
Prescott Murphy Chemistry CC
Raisa Rexer Humanities TD
Srinivas Viswanathan MB&B DC
Stephen Waterford MB&B JE
David Wei MB&B BC
Shoshana Woo MCDB MC
Xiaoning Wu Economics TD
Brian Zeglis Chemistry SY

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