First Election of the Class of 2026
Name | Major | College |
Meenakshi Ambati | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TR |
Audrey Gerarda Aslani-Far | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Russian | GH |
Cian Yixiang Baldwin | Applied Mathematics | GH |
Oliver Simon Britton | Chemistry (Int.) | DC |
Eve Chazan Cohen | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | BR |
Peyton Sophia Crevasse | Computer Science & Mathematics | BF |
Jeb Cui | Computer Science; Physics (Int.) | SM |
Evan Masterson Daneker | History | JE |
John Morton Dedyo | Applied Mathematics | TD |
Kaya Holly Dierks | English | SY |
Zara Meg Escobar | Ethnicity, Race & Migration | MY |
Mia Lye Gawith | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | GH |
Samad Salim Hakani | Political Science | DC |
Leander Jialin He | Linguistics; East Asian Languages & Lits | TC |
Emmet Houghton | Computer Science & Mathematics; Economics | MY |
Justin Nobuyoshi Hsieh | English | SM |
Youssef Hossameldin Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim | Neuroscience; Economics | ES |
Lillian Rakas Jackson | Archaeological Studies | MC |
Aditya Kabra | Statistics and Data Science; Economics & Mathematics | TC |
Colin Jibin Kim | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology; Ethnicity, Race & Migration | BF |
Roy Kohavi | Political Science | SY |
Archit Kumar | Computer Science | SM |
Inyoung Lee | Economics & Mathematics | Pierson College |
Sean Y. Lee | Computer Science; Statistics and Data Science | PC |
Macy Tilles Lerner | History | BF |
Sean Liu | Neuroscience; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | GH |
Kaley Alexandra Mafong | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | DC |
Andrew Pan | Mathematics | SM |
Madeleine Yelen Popofsky | Chemistry (Int.) | MY |
Andrea Li Rix | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | ES |
Benjamin Robert Rosenthal | History | MC |
Rishi Mehulkumar Shah | Applied Mathematics; Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | BK |
Agnes Christina Sjoeblad | Humanities; Political Science | BR |
Karinne Tennenbaum | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | SY |
Noah Tirschwell | History | SY |
Lasse Heinrich van den Berg | Cognitive Science | MY |
Arjun Jai Verma | Applied Mathematics | PC |
Benjamin Wenlong Xu | Computer Science | BF |
Daniel Zhang | Classics | BR |
Daniel Joseph Zhang | Statistics and Data Science; Statistics | TD |
First Election of the Class of 2025
Name | Major | College |
Devina Aggarwal | Economics | JE |
Nathan Robert Apfel | Mathematics & Physics | PC |
Henry Plaut Berger | Engineering Science-Mechanical, Computer Science | JE |
Sadie Loraine Bograd | Urban Studies | DC |
Parker Ikaika Chang | Environmental Studies | TC |
Booyeon Choi | Computer Science | BF |
Sophie Gabrielle Dauerman | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | BK |
Grace Ellis | American Studies | BF |
Simone Herko Felton | History | DC |
Logan Elise George | Economics | SY |
Evan Drew Gorelick | English, Economics | TD |
Anne Kathryn Whooley Gross | Comparative Literature, Philosophy | TC |
Anshul Guha | Mathematics (Int.), Economics | DC |
Hannah Han | Humanities | GH |
Ruobin Han | Physics (Int.) | PC |
Oliver Huston | Classics | TC |
Elias Worrall Hyde | English | DC |
Ryan Thomas Jin | Computer Science | PM |
Talia Elena Rodriguez Kolodkin | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | TC |
Julian Locke Lee | Computer Science | SM |
Ethan Cole Levinbook | French | GH |
Victoria Rose Liando | Economics | ES |
Jessica Liu | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | SM |
Tsach C Mackey | Chemistry | GH |
Ojas M Mehta | Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci | SY |
Ana Maria Melián | Astrophysics | TC |
Daniel Alexander Mendoza | Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int.) | BR |
Taimur Moolji | Computer Science | SY |
Zachary Andrew Moynihan | Neuroscience | BR |
Reese Jacobs Neal | Computing and the Arts | TC |
Jonah Harmon Newman | Mathematics | MC |
Andrei Alexandru Parfeni | Mathematics(Int.) | DC |
Isabel Grace Prioleau | Political Science | DC |
Sarah Eleanor Shapiro | American Studies | PM |
Erin Brooke Sommers | History Science, Medicine & PH | BF |
Derek Chengqian Song | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | PC |
Edward Albert Tawil | Ethics,Politics & Economics | SY |
Whitney Blue Toutenhoofd | Art, Humanities | TC |
Elder Giovanny Veliz | Statistics and Data Science | BK |
Alan Tianyi Xu | Computer Science & Econ | DC |
Maxim Serge Yaskolko | Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int.) | BK |
Alexander Ye | Applied Mathematics | TD |
Aaron Minkey Yu | Computer Science, Applied Mathematics | MC |
Joseph Han Zhang | Computer Science & Econ | BR |
Yingshan Zhao | Economics, Philosophy | PM |
First Election of the Class of 2024
Name | Major | College |
Alyssa Kamlesh Agarwal | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | BK |
Alicia Michele Alonso | Political Science; History Science, Medicine & PH | SM |
Mary Ben Lee Apatoff | Engineering Sci-Environmental | ES |
Xavier Sebastian Blackwell-Lipkind | Comparative Literature | DC |
Emma Bucaj | Economics | BC |
Georgia deBondelis Bynum | English | PC |
Charles Chen | Chemical Engineering | TC |
Benjamin Anthony Cifu | Computer Science | ES |
Srikrishna Chaitanya Dasari | Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) | PC |
Ashley Duraiswamy | English | TC |
Bill Feng | Computer Science | TD |
Albert Gang | Chemistry | GH |
Finn McKim Gibson | Mathematics & Physics | BK |
Andrew B Kornfeld | American Studies | BF |
Eliza Rose Kravitz | History | MC |
Sylvan Aviva Lebrun | Comparative Literature | MY |
Se Ri Lee | History of Art | MC |
Miguel López Rivera | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | PM |
Leon Jaden Lufkin | Statistics and Data Science | TD |
Luis Alberto Mendoza Perez | Computer Science | ES |
Andrew Ian Milas | Computer Science | GH |
Shira Devorah Minsk | History | PM |
Katherine Soyoon Moon | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem, History Science, Medicine & PH | GH |
Sheikh Nahiyan | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | PC |
Andy Noah Nilipour | Astrophysics | ES |
Flora Bettina Ranis | Ethnicity, Race & Migration | GH |
Juan Ernesto Recoaro | Physics (Int.) | BF |
Ariana Giulia Katz Reichler | Cognitive Science | TC |
Pradyumna Sanjay Sapre | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | BF |
Thomas Blake Sottosanti | Computer Science & Mathematics Statistics and Data Science | PC |
Samuel Weissman | Statistics and Data Science | TC |
Alette Joan Wells | Mathematics | TD |
Brendan Connor Wilkowski | Engineering Science-Mechanical | TC |
Iris M. Yang | Computing and the Arts Statistics and Data Science | TD |
Raymond Yang | Computer Science | BC |
Max Yi Yuan | Computer Science & Econ | TD |
First Election of the Class of 2023
Name | Major | College |
Peyton Adele Aiken | Sociology | DC |
Jacob Thomas Alvarado | Economics | BF |
James L Cross | Neuroscience; Statistics and Data Science | SM |
Aaron J Dickstein | Statistics and Data Science | SY |
Samira Sophie Glaeser-Khan | Neuroscience | BR |
Sydney Dorothy Gray | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | MC |
Sophie Motta Huttner | Global Affairs | SM |
Isabel Lucienne Kirsch | Anthropology | PC |
Rosa A Kleinman | Economics & Mathematics | BF |
Veronica Mimi Lee | Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) | BR |
Emma Lilly Levin | Applied Mathematics | BF |
Rebecca Yinbei Li | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | JE |
Kexin Meng | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | TC |
Jennie Lynn Miller | Statistics and Data Science | DC |
Matthew Byung Hyun Nam | Computer Science & Econ | DC |
Hillary Ha Nguyen | Neuroscience | MC |
Nga Nhi Nguyen | Computer Science | TC |
Grace Margaret Parmer | Engineering Science-Electrical | PC |
Jackson C Pullman | Statistics and Data Science | DC |
Adin Lion Ring | Environmental Studies | SY |
Daniel Ryan Sheinberg | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | BR |
Kapp Samuel Singer | Architecture | GH |
Shayaan Syed Subzwari | Physics (Int.); Global Affairs | SM |
Derek Azan Tsang | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | BF |
Kevin Yunan Xiao | Political Science | MY |
Adam Ming Zhang | Psychology | PC |
First Election of the Class of 2022
Name | Major | College |
Franklin Hart Bertellotti | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TD |
Jocelyn Chau | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | SM |
Adam David Chen | History of Art | TD |
Alexandra Galls | Chemistry (Int.) | GH |
Rohit Anirudh Giridharan | Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci | SY |
Eamon Scott Goucher | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | TC |
Graham Holt Hardcastle | Computer Science | SM |
Matthew J King | Physics (Int.) | ES |
Gabriel Louis Klapholz | History; Global Affairs | BR |
Steven Siqi Ma | Mathematics | SM |
Fiona Patrice O’Brien | Environmental Engineering | PC |
Mary Elizabeth Orsak | Russian | PC |
Brian Zhiguang Sun | Mathematics (Int.) | JE |
Alden Ming Yang Tan | Computer Science & Econ | SY |
Chelsea Wang | Statistics and Data Science | SM |
Emily Wang | Economics & Mathematics | MY |
Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao | Statistics and Data Science | BK |
First Election of the Class of 2021
Name | Major | College |
Amer Ahmad Al-Hiyasat | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | MY |
Lincoln Thatcher Berkley | Elec. Engineering/Computer Science | MY |
Justin Hoang Cheong | Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology | PC |
Mark Joseph Gustaferro | Economics | SM |
Claire Lamarre | Engineering Science-Chemical | TC |
Kendra Acadia Libby | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | SY |
Melissa Lu | Statistics and Data Science | PC |
Anna Grace McClain-Sims | Chemistry | SM |
Jared Brandon Rock | Economics | PC |
Allyson Cate Soong | Architecture | JE |
Anna J Sun | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | JE |
Eric Yiyang Wang | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | PC |
Alyssa Jisu Yoon | Economics | DC |
Jeffery Zhou | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | TC |
First Election of the Class of 2020
Name | Major | College |
Caroline Grosvenor Borden | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TC |
Brennan Peter Carman | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | GH |
Jasper Blake Feinberg | Mechanical Engineering | BK |
Cynthia Rose Goldman | Economics & Mathematics | SM |
Julia Bliss Greenberg | Ethics,Politics & Economics | SM |
Mark Joseph Gustaferro | Economics | SM |
Randall Tyler Kras | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | BR |
Noah Benjamin Kravitz | Mathematics; Near Eastern Languages & Civs | GH |
Mahima Kumara | Statistics and Data Science | MY |
Veena Muraleetharan | Anthropology | PC |
Yee Tung Nip | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | ES |
Yifei Shen | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | BR |
Soledad Ondine Tejada | American Studies | DC |
Benjamin Isaac Waldman | Political Science | BR |
Tiger Zhang | Chemistry | JE |
First Election of the Class of 2019
Name | Major | College |
Dibyatanoy Bhattacharjee | Computer Science | DC |
Matthew Preston Coffin | Psychology | MC |
Christoph Sven Funke | Geology & Geophysics | ES |
Hannah Louise Lawrence | Applied Mathematics | DC |
Michael Zexin Mao | Economics | PC |
Claudia Marcella Mezey | Mechanical Engineering | TD |
Rishi Mirchandani | Mathematics | MC |
Henry Evan Reichard | Mathematics & Physics | SM |
Devyn Christine Rigsby | Global Affairs | PC |
Elizabeth Hale Scheibe | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | SY |
Rosa Shapiro-Thompson | History | PC |
Julia Yaxin Wei | Physics (Int.) | SM |
First Election of the Class of 2022
Name | Major | College |
Franklin Hart Bertellotti | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TD |
Jocelyn Chau | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | SM |
Adam David Chen | History of Art | TD |
Alexandra Galls | Chemistry (Int.) | GH |
Rohit Anirudh Giridharan | Elec.Engineering/Computer Sci | SY |
Eamon Scott Goucher | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | TC |
Graham Holt Hardcastle | Computer Science | SM |
Matthew J King | Physics (Int.) | ES |
Gabriel Louis Klapholz | History; Global Affairs | BR |
Steven Siqi Ma | Mathematics | SM |
Fiona Patrice O’Brien | Environmental Engineering | PC |
Mary Elizabeth Orsak | Russian | PC |
Brian Zhiguang Sun | Mathematics (Int.) | JE |
Alden Ming Yang Tan | Computer Science & Econ | SY |
Chelsea Wang | Statistics and Data Science | SM |
Emily Wang | Economics & Mathematics | MY |
Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao | Statistics and Data Science | BK |
First Election of the Class of 2021
Name | Major | College |
Amer Ahmad Al-Hiyasat | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | MY |
Lincoln Thatcher Berkley | Elec. Engineering/Computer Science | MY |
Justin Hoang Cheong | Molecular, Cellular, Dev Biology | PC |
Mark Joseph Gustaferro | Economics | SM |
Claire Lamarre | Engineering Science-Chemical | TC |
Kendra Acadia Libby | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | SY |
Melissa Lu | Statistics and Data Science | PC |
Anna Grace McClain-Sims | Chemistry | SM |
Jared Brandon Rock | Economics | PC |
Allyson Cate Soong | Architecture | JE |
Anna J Sun | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | JE |
Eric Yiyang Wang | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | PC |
Alyssa Jisu Yoon | Economics | DC |
Jeffery Zhou | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | TC |
First Election of the Class of 2020
Name | Major | College |
Caroline Grosvenor Borden | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TC |
Brennan Peter Carman | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | GH |
Jasper Blake Feinberg | Mechanical Engineering | BK |
Cynthia Rose Goldman | Economics & Mathematics | SM |
Julia Bliss Greenberg | Ethics,Politics & Economics | SM |
Mark Joseph Gustaferro | Economics | SM |
Randall Tyler Kras | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | BR |
Noah Benjamin Kravitz | Mathematics; Near Eastern Languages & Civs | GH |
Mahima Kumara | Statistics and Data Science | MY |
Veena Muraleetharan | Anthropology | PC |
Yee Tung Nip | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | ES |
Yifei Shen | Molecular,Cellular,Dev Biology | BR |
Soledad Ondine Tejada | American Studies | DC |
Benjamin Isaac Waldman | Political Science | BR |
Tiger Zhang | Chemistry | JE |
First Election of the Class of 2019
Name | Major | College |
Dibyatanoy Bhattacharjee | Computer Science | DC |
Matthew Preston Coffin | Psychology | MC |
Christoph Sven Funke | Geology & Geophysics | ES |
Hannah Louise Lawrence | Applied Mathematics | DC |
Michael Zexin Mao | Economics | PC |
Claudia Marcella Mezey | Mechanical Engineering | TD |
Rishi Mirchandani | Mathematics | MC |
Henry Evan Reichard | Mathematics & Physics | SM |
Devyn Christine Rigsby | Global Affairs | PC |
Elizabeth Hale Scheibe | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | SY |
Rosa Shapiro-Thompson | History | PC |
Julia Yaxin Wei | Physics (Int.) | SM |
First Election of the Class of 2018
Name | Major | College |
Julia Elizabeth Borowski | Chemistry (Int.) | DC |
Thomas James Cusano | English | TC |
Emma Brodfuehrer Hastings | History | TD |
Kevin Zongyi Huang | Economics & Mathematics | PC |
Sergio Daniel Infante | History | CC |
Chentian Jin | Molecular, Cellular, DevBio (Int.) | CC |
Martin Yan Zhi Lim | Economics | BK |
Adam Stanley Lowet | Cognitive Science | ES |
Erika Eleanor Lynn-Green | English | CC |
Nina Mesfin | Ethnicity, Race & Migration | SM |
Alexander Harry Korzenik Posner | Ethics, Politics & Economics | MC |
Katherine Emily Rosenberg | Linguistics | ES |
Benjamin Joseph Sampson | Economics | PC |
First Election of the Class of 2017
Name | Major | College |
Adam Alexander D’Sa | English | BR |
Sophia Claire Eller | Physics | PC |
Mari Kawakatsu | Physics | SM |
Derek Liu | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | TC |
Richard Thomas McCoy | Linguistics | BR |
Anna Elizabeth Russo | Applied Mathematics | BK |
Ann Simone Nissenbaum Sarnak | History | CC |
Stanislaw Swidwinski | Elec. Engineering/Computer Sci | TC |
Jedidiah Oliver Thompson | Physics (Int.) | BK |
Zheng Xiang Toh | Undeclared | JE |
Kevin Kaiwen Wang | Molecular Biophysics & Biochem | ES |
Michael Chen Wang | Economics | JE |
Robert Clark Wharton | Molecular,Cellular,DevBio(Int) | CC |
First Election of the Class of 2016
Name | Major | College |
Miguel Gabriel Goncalves | Global Affairs; Physics | ES |
Charles Gunnar Kinzig | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | BK |
Jonathan Walter Lam | Electrical Engineering and Economics | MC |
Jared Charles Milfred | Ethics, Politics & Economics | PC |
Susan Michele Rundell | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | TD |
Megan Kate Stonington Valentine | Computing and the Arts | MC |
Connie Lu Wang | Psychology | TD |
James Paul Woodall | Religious Studies | TC |
Xinwei Yao | Computer Science | JE |
Mengshi Zhang | Undeclared | JE |
First Election of the Class of 2015
Name | Major | College |
Edward Christopher Licaros Dee | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | TC |
Dylan Cunningham Greaves | Mathematics | ES |
Michael Garrett Hopkins | Computer Science | SY |
Seth Borton Kolker | Ethics, Politics & Economics | JE |
Jarrell Jun Jie Ng | Global Affairs | ES |
Aunica Lee Steele | Electrical Engineering | TC |
Matthew J. Townsend | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, Int.) | DC |
Blake Eliot Woodworth | Computer Science | PC |
First Election of the Class of 2014
Name | Major | College |
Michelle Jessica Bayefsky | Ethics, Politics & Economics | DC |
Benjamin David Crosby | Religious Studies | PC |
Marissa Christina Dearing | Political Science | BK |
Jun Luke Foster | Ethics, Politics & Economics | DC |
Geoffrey Tucker Kocher | Economics | SM |
Leah Anne Latterner | Cognitive Science | CC |
Katherine Ruth Lawrence | Physics (Int.) | ES |
Emily Trina Monjaraz | Art | SY |
Inho Mun | Ethics, Politics & Economics | ES |
Felicity Abaegael Orzel Sheehy | English | JE |
Nicole Christine Shibley | Physics | TC |
Margaret Bess Yellen | Global Affairs | TD |
Liang Yu | Astronomy & Physics | BK |
First Election of the Class of 2013
Name | Major | College |
Elizabeth Ann Chrystal | French | DC |
Maria Louise Haras | History | JE |
Micah Alexander Johnson | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | TC |
Stephen Worthing Leh | Physics | JE |
Jonathan James Liang | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | ES |
Jerome Luo | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | TD |
Matthew James Mitcheltree | Chemistry (Int.) | MC |
Sudharshan Mohanram | Economics & Mathematics | PC |
Benjamin Marc Sherman | Mathematics | CC |
Jessica Su | Biomedical Engineering | SY |
Samuel Charles Telzak | Ethics,Politics & Economics | TD |
Christine Michelle Willinger | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | BR |
Connie Wu | Chemical Engineering | TD |
First Election of the Class of 2012
Name | Major | College |
Vanessa Marie Baratta | Biology | PC |
Ilan Uri Ben-Meir | English | BK |
Joseph Keller Carlsmith | Humanities | CC |
Jordan Laris Cohen | History | JE |
Max Gabriel Ehrenfreund | English | DC |
Jessica Tian-Lei Hsieh | Linguistics | JE |
Meng JiaYang | Economics | PC |
Michael Hower Jones | Economics | MC |
Sarah Yael Krinsk | Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations | DC |
Jain, Nimit | Biomedical Engineering | SY |
Charlotte Marie Page | Chemistry | ES |
Takuya Sawaoka | Psychology | MC |
Katherine Ismei Zhou | Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry | SY |
First Election of the Class of 2011
Name | Major | College |
Ersilia Marie DeFilippis | WG&SS | CC |
Yoonie Hoh | Economics & Mathematics | SY |
Harrison Alan Korn | Cognitive Science | SY |
Jeremy Alan Balkam Lent | Philosophy | SY |
Tse Yang Lim | Biology | MC |
Harold Michael McNamara | EP&E | BR |
Jack Mu Qian | Chemistry | SM |
Randall William Spock | History | JE |
Gabriella Natalie Tortorello | History of Art | JE |
Emily Anne Waldman | Art | PC |
First Election of the Class of 2010
Name | Major | College |
Jeremy David Avins | Political Science | ES |
Elias Spungen Bildner | History | DC |
Brendan Eddings Dill | Philosophy | MC |
Ershela Durresi | Biology | PC |
Sameer Gorav Gupta | Anthropology | CC |
Elizabeth Rose Jerison | Physics | SM |
James Jiang | English | JE |
Alexander Dmitrievich Kazberouk | Biology | ES |
Mihan Robin Lee | Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies | SY |
Michael Fitzgerald Mester | Computer Science | ES |
Scott Thomas Nelson | Economics & Mathematics | MC |
Susan Elizabeth Scanlon | Physics | TD |
First Election of the Class of 2009
Name | Major | College |
Jarrad Mattieu Aguirre | Biology | DC |
Adam Michael Bouland | Computer Science & Mathematics | SM |
Jeffrey Michael Geels | Political Science | SY |
Tina Ho | Chemistry | DC |
Neil Manohar Kalwani | Biology | DC |
Joel W. Knopf | Cognitive Science | BK |
Emily Duncan Schofield | EP&E | BR |
Benjamin Scott Solarz | Economics | JE |
Xinchen Wang | Economics & Mathematics | BK |
Monica Jing Wood | MB&B | CC |
First Election of the Class of 2008
Name | Major | College |
Aaron Takayanagi Barnet | Computer Science | TC |
Emily A. Bala | History | DC |
Joshua David Batson | Mathematics | DC |
Jessica Merriam Bialecki | Political Science | SM |
Benjamin Micah Eidelson | EP&E | ES |
Ashley Anne Fox | History and Theatre Studies | TC |
Sabrina Tugendrajch Howell | East Asian Studies (China) and Economics | DC |
Bennett Harrison Lane | MB&B | PC |
Ryan Hideki Moy | MB&B | SM |
Dimiter Valentinov Ostrev | Mathematics and Economics | TD |
David Casey Shackelton | Economics | CC |
Joshua Seth Sweren | Economics & Mathematics | SM |
Janice Chun Yee Wong | MB&B | JE |
First Election of the Class of 2007
Name | Major | College |
Alexander Philipp Apostolopoulos | Classics | JE |
Arvind Bhaskar | Engineering Science-Electrical and Economics | TD |
Sahmik Bhattacharyya | MB&B | CC |
Adam Daniel Clark-Joseph | Economics & Mathematics | BK |
Brendan Matthew Cottington | Humanities | SY |
Elizaveta Freinkman | MB&B | ES |
Samarth Keshava | Computer Science & Mathematics | TD |
Han Liang Lie | History | SM |
Alexander Mohapatra | Biology | BK |
Daniya Ponganutree | Psychology | CC |
Amia Parvathi Srinivasan | Philosophy | CC |
David Eric Weinberg | MB&B | DC |
Daniel Lee Winik | EP&E | BK |
First Election of the Class of 2006
Name | Major | College |
Joshua Herschel Baraban | Chemistry | BR |
Jennifer Chen | History | SM |
Conroy L. Chow | Biology | DC |
Hannah Elizabeth Collins | Biomedical Engineering | PC |
Rachel Nicole Denison | Cognitive Science | BR |
Marc P. Florman | Cognitive Science | TD |
Joshua Stephen Johnson | EP&E | ES |
Jacob David Leibenluft | Economics | TD |
Jessica Ellen Leight | EP&E | ES |
Chelsea Elisabeth Purvis | History | ES |
Edmond Ka Ho Tin | Mathematics and Economics | SM |
Anthony Zijan Xu | Economics and Biology | TD |
First Election of the Class of 2005
Name | Major | College |
Gregory Robin Ablavsky | History | DC |
Melody Tung Chan | Computer Science & Mathematics | SM |
Alanna Meredith Hughes | Astronomy & Physics | SY |
Heather Anne Hunt | East Asian Studies (China) | ES |
Ali Kooshkabadi | Biology | ES |
Selena Liao | History | MC |
Dimple Mirpuri | Mathematics | ES |
Stephanie Therese Neely | Humanities | BK |
Shashi Rekha Reddy | History | DC |
Dongju Stella Seo | Architecture | DC |
Courtney Elizabeth Stritar | Chemistry | SY |
Ashley Rose Yeargan | History | DC |
First Election of the Class of 2004
Name | Major | College |
David Fabricant | Anthropology | MC |
Kenneth Hammond | Economics | DC |
Andrew Klaber | Ethics, Politics, & Economics and International Studies | TC |
Brian Lehmann | Mathematics | ES |
Prescott Murphy | Chemistry | CC |
Raisa Rexer | Humanities | TD |
Srinivas Viswanathan | MB&B | DC |
Stephen Waterford | MB&B | JE |
David Wei | MB&B | BC |
Shoshana Woo | MCDB | MC |
Xiaoning Wu | Economics | TD |
Brian Zeglis | Chemistry | SY |